Today in a nutshell.

So before I say anything in this, I'm a poor kid with very bad influence poor kid friends. Thus I have turned into a bad influence, and I realized this today when I got the sudden craving for Red Bull and I was like "Ashlyn, let's go to Wal-Mart, I want a Red Bull." and so of course she's just like "Sure, but you do know we don't have enough money for that since we still have to get butter and I only brought a few dollars, right?" and I just kind of raise an eyebrow and respond with "Who said anything about buying the Red Bull?" and she just looks at me in shock like she'd never seen me before because I just told her I was planning on stealing a Red Bull at Wal-Mart.xD So I basically made her an accesory. 

Something else that was funny that happened with me and Ashlyn last night: I really wanted her to make us some stove top popcorn because she makes it really well, so I'm sitting on the bed with her and I'm like "Unni~ You should go make popcorn~" and she's just kinda like "I will, Amy-yah, just not right now." So I waited a few minutes and asked again and her response was the same. Waited a few more minutes and asked and she just looks at me, glares and threatens to hit me with a pillow. So now I'm sitting on her bed with my phone, my Super Junior station on Pandora playing (Also, Pandora is awesome for KPOP.) and I'm just kinda quietly muttering "Popcorn. Popcorn. Stove-top popcorn." and she just gets the pillow and starts beating me up and so I start yelling "POPCORN!" So she takes my phone. The phone that is currently playing SJ-M. I just deadpan and go "That's my Shupah Junior yo-" and I just cut off and we both start dying of laughter because I just said 'Shupah Junior.' xD

Last thing (Katy don't watch it or your eyes will melt.XD) I saw this today. Needles to say Lee Hyukjae just jumped up to my list of Ultimate Biases with Heechul and Jaejoong. (This post should be rated M for the walking that is Lee ing Hyukjae. oh and my potty mouth.)


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