Unique K-Pop Questions!

1. Say all of your favorite K-Pop groups were going to die...which one would you save?

      I would have to Save BIGBANG! They are who got me into kpop. I wouldn't have been interested without them.

2. You walk into your bedroom to find your bias, shirtless and lying down seductively, how would you react?

      I would laugh at how awkward that is. Then tell him to put some clothes and talk and behave like normal people do.

3. What if your bias was an actual jerk in real life? (Impolite, rude, and etc.)

        I would be a right back because I don't tolerate that type of behavior. Or I would tell them to restate what they they said to me. ( I am an older sibling so disrespect towards me doesn't happen.)

4. One of your favorite groups are disbanding...How would you react?

     I would be a little down at first, but then I would think that I have a lot of great music from them already. But I am sure they are all going to do great things separately as they already are.

5. ANSWER AS FAST AS YOU CAN! FIRST PERSON THAT COMES TO MIND! Choose your 2nd favorite group, who would you sleep with from that group?

         My second favorite group right now is B.A.P. They are all just so talented, amazing, and wonderful, I could just go on about them, especially since I went to their concert in LA. I would choose Bang Yongguk, there is just something about the way he carries himself, he gives off the extremely manly vibe, and his extremely deep voice is an added bonus. You can tell that he is very dominant, but caring at the same time.

6. An idol that annoys you? (Be as nice as possible or else antis will chase you down with a knife (: )

       I wouldn't say that the two people I am about to name full on annoy me, but they are irritating to a certain degree quite often. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk from Super Junior. Leeteuk thinks he is funnier than he actually is. Eunhyuk is just plain and simply arrogant to the point where half the time I want to choke him.

7. For fun :) Use the last K-Pop song you've listened to and add "in my " (Got it from Facebook)

      The last k-pop song I listened to was "Ain't No Fun" by BIGBANG. "Ain't No Fun" in my  (so awkward)

8. What if you found out your mom liked K-Pop? Just imagine :)

     My mom likes a few k-pop songs. She is in love with Taeyang and Jun K at the moment. Her favorite group is Block B though. 

9. List (TOP) Ten favorite K-Pop groups right now! (In order)


2. B.A.P.

3. Infinite

4. Miss A

5. Supreme team


7. Sistar

8. FT Island

9. Block B

10. 2PM

I like a lot of solo artists and that is my issue. So it was hard to choose groups.

10. Why do you love K-Pop? 

   I don't just love K-pop. I love music in general. So I can't give an exact reason. I listen to the same style overall in my American music as well. I don't watch it for the music videos. I think I like the fact that they have actual music shows, because we don't have those anymore in America, where you can tune in every week and see who is coming out and who is getting more recognition.   


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