ROSE application form|| Yoo Seyi

Beep, beep! Pick up the phone, Yoo Seyi!





the real you

username | Kang_Sara

profile link |

name | Sara

activity | 10


royalty, coming through!

name | Yoo Seyi

date of birth | May 15, 1993

age |  20

ethnicity | Korean

birthplace | Seoul, South Korea

hometown | Jamsil-dong, Seoul, South Korea

languages |Korean {Fluent} Thai {Conversational} English {Very very minimul}


prettier than a diamond~

Idol face-claim | Hello Venus' YooYoung

visuals | ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Back-up idol face-claim | Hello Venus' Yoo Ara

visuals | ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

height + weight | 165cm 54kg

blood type | A

other | 


into my world

personality |  Seyi has a chic image.  she looks like a quiet girl at first  it takes time for her to get to know someone and open up to them. She has trust issues and wont talk about her problems easily unless, again, its with someone shes close with. Shes sensetive to the needs of others and a good listener, she doesnt mind people  coming to her when they have a problem, but she actually wants someone that will sit down and listen to her problems as well. When faced with an issue she looks very calm and collected on the outside but inside shes actually freaking out and nervous, unless its her fears, then she loses her cool. 

She's really stubborn and doesnt like being told what to do by hoobaes, or bossy people. She's clever, has witty comebacks and a sharp tongue. Shes usually tense and impatient. Seyi is very emotional but bottles all of it up inside making her like a ticking time bomb. She hates being stressed and is the type to go with the flow, not lazy but just likes calmness and relaxing. 

She only talks a lot with the other members, her family, close friends, or unless shes on tv. She has really bad stage fright that to this day she hasnt been able to get over, probably not the best since shes an idol. She cries easily, and a lot of antis that have caught her crying started threads calling her a cry baby or attention seaker.

When shes with kids she has this sort of gentle and calming aura that reminds people of a mothers love. She looks like the type thats easy and will do whatever anyone asks of her but shes actually really good at saying no, to the point its practiclly her catch phrase. A lot of people think Seyi isnt at all nice and is rude, but shes actually really careing, friendly, and sweet.

background | Seyi is the oldest of 4 with 2 younger sisters and a youngest brother. She took on the role of mother after their mom passed away when she was 16. Luckily for her, her family was well off, not rich but not poor either. Her dad owns a small but popular resturaunt in Busan. her younger sisters are both in middle school while her younger brother is in 3rd grade. When she was 16 she left Busan to audtion for Cube entertainment. She stayed with a relative there and passed all three stages. she trained at Cube for 2 years starting at age 17 before she left to train under Woolim.

likes | 

  • Taro Milk tea
  • the beach
  • Taking selcas/ photography
  • children
  • Hwachae

dislikes | 

  • Spiders
  • Snakes
  • Haunted places
  • Being cold
  • Super Super sugared sweet things

hobbies | 

  • Running or taking walks at night
  • Taking selcas and posting them to twitter
  • Composing and playing guitar

trivia | 

  • She has a rare but killer eye smile
  • She covers or sometimes face when she laughs because shes self caucious of her dimples
  • She naturally has watery eyes so it looks like she cries often but in light it looks sparkly
  • She took over the title of the nations fairy because of her soft features
  • Shes from Busan but has natural milky skin and is good at concealing her dialect.
  • Shes smart, she never ranked above 10 in any of her classes through out middle school and high school
  • She was in a relationship when she lived in Busan but they broke up because she was moving to Seoul and becoming a trainee.
  • She originally only wanted to become a composer and producer
  • She learnt guitar from her ex-boyfriend and has been playing since then
  • She actually has a lot of agyeo but only shows it when asked to
  • Shes terrified of snakes and spiders to the point she'll start bawling
  • Shes very athletic she did Cheerleading, softball, and volly ball during middle school and her first year of high school
  • Shes done Ballet, hip hop, and jazz dancing, as well as traditional korean dancing. 
  • Being a dancer and cheerleader Seyi is  really flexible more flexible than F(x)'s victoria
  • A former Cube Entertainment trainee. She was there for 2 years.
  • She often listens to ballads, or smooth R&B raps. she likes MIB, LC9, Verbal Jint, Leesang, and Ra.D
  • Shes known to be favorited by the CEO because during holidays she often invited him to her fathers home because the CEO has no where to go during vacations.



them lovely chingus


Yoo Hanbyul|48| Dad

Yoo Solri| 13| sister

Yoo Aerum| 12| sister

Yoo DoKyung| 9| brother

best friends

Lee Jonghyun|24| CNBlue's vocalist and lead guitarist

Lee Howon|22| Rapper and Vocalist of Infinite


Park Sanghyun (Thunder)| 22| Member of MBLAQ

Son Dongwoon| 21| Maknae of Beast

Yoon Doojoon|23|Leader of Beast

Kwon Sohyun|18| Maknae of 4minute

Heo Gayoon|23| Main vocalist of 4minute


sorry, but the paparazzi needs me!~

stage name | Seyi

personal fanclub name | Hyesung's (Comets)

anything happen before debut? | a CF model

training years | 3

position [put '0' as first choice, '-' as second coice] 

[o ] Main dancer


[ ] Vocalist

[ ] Main vocalist, face of the group

[-] Visual, lead vocalist

[ ] Main rapper

[ ] Lead dancer

[ ] Lead rapper





it's not a scandal, it's love!

love interest | Nam Woohyun

how you met | Seyi was having trouble sleeping one night so she decided to leave the dorm and go to the practice room to dance. When she got there she noticed the light still on and music playing from inside. She couldnt see through the door so she quietly opened the door and peeked in. Woohyun was sitting down with his against the mirrors. His eyes were closed and it seemed he hadnt heard Seyi's entrance due to the loud song playing (Tears by Leessang) until Seyi quickly dropped her bag to cover her eyes. Woohyun was shirtless and sweaty from dancing. Seyi apologized at least 8 times before he told her to stop, he put on a shirt and told her she could remove her hands. when she did he was wearing a black sweatshirt.  He looked at her reddened face and chuckled while walking past her to leave, but Seyi could clearly see that his eyes were red and cheeks damp from tears, not sweat.

current relationship | He likes her and she likes him but she convinces herself that he doesnt like her

love rival | Son Dongwoon

back-up love interest |  Sungyeol

how you met | Same as with Woohyun

current relationship | He likes her and she likes him but she convinces herself that he doesnt like her

back-up love rival | Yoon Doojoon


final words...

questions, comments | Good luck and i hope you liked her:)

scene request(s) |

  • Woohyun doesnt show agyeo around Seyi instead hes just a normal guy, hes kind of rude and mean, at the same time careing and kind
  • Woohyun gets jealous when Seyi has to dance a very touchy dance with Dongwoon for a special stage at Inkigayo
  • The company sets up a special stage performance for Infinite and ROSE. Woohyun and Seyi are paired together, Theyre not really sure what to do but decide on singing Leessangs Tears. Even though Woohyun has lack in rapping he still decides to do the rapping and help Seyi with the singing since shes not a main vocalist. They also have a small dance to go with it.
  • Woohyun creates a scandal by kissing Seyi on stage during their special stage duet.
  • Woohyun only makes the scandal worse by saying his ideal type is Seyi
  • Dongwoon and Seyi film a drama together and they as well have a kiss scene. Dongwoon then goes on an interview to say that Seyi is his ideal type and he was embarressed to say he couldnt stop thinking about their kiss scene.
  • ROSE get into a car accident Seyi was the only one concious since everyone was asleep, she ended up calling for help. She recived treatment for a broken arm, concusion, several stitches, and surgury due to a collapsed lung.
  • Woohyun explains why he was crying when they first met (when Seyi is recovered from the accident). It was because he liked a certain girl from their company, but because he and she were idols they couldnt date. He didnt want to risk her or his group getting hurt because of the public. He was regretting becoming an idol because of all the things he couldnt do anymore. Seyi knows its her hes talking about and ends up crying as well
  • Woohyun to take Seyi on a secret date late at night so they dont get caught. He takes her to the Namsan tower where they also write on the locks.

password | AOA



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