Lol that's weird.....

When i was a little child, I really wanted to be a ballerina. (i still do ahem ahem LOL well too bad)

I met this other kid. LL She wanted to become a singer.

She was the closest thing there was to going anywhere near my own interests so there we go, friends.

We joined choir together :D

it was fun :DDDD

we sang we danced we laughed we played we learned


we were friends for..... 5-6 years.

went to the same school and she hated me...... wtf...... are you seirous........


oh well...... tables turned.

I'm part of a choir

she's in a dance class at school

i wonder what happened to her dream of being a singer

i still have my dream.

i think......



no never mind..... I'm a horrible dancer and a singer

look at me freestyle....

i whip around like a stiff jelly fish

or a salmon on the plank

wanna hear about my singing?

oh hey it's in tune

but that's all that's ing to it

it doesn't even sound good at all

it sounds nasally


too quiet

too loud


It doesn't blend in

it stands out too much in a bad way

it's so annoying

it's like a cat dying

it blends in too much

i can't hear it

no one will hear me


Hey I play the violin :)

i play with emotion

I have so many beautiful pieces.

I have many binders filled with sheet music

I play like and out of tune and ungreased machine

a robot

do people even like these pieces?????

i can't play a thing

damn this is the worst playing i've ever heard.


Psh I'm so good at this.

fuc my life what am i doing?


what happened to me?


oh... Lol..... the internet?


no...... the real world came too early........




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You sing and dance better than I do