Romantic and Idol||Sample app

{Yoon Hyemi}



Calling You

Username: Kang_Sara

What can i call you?: Sara

activness: 10


The Flower 

Full Name: Yoon Hyemi

Nickname: {family, friends, or members call her}

Age: 21

Birthdate: May 15, 1992

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Jamsil-dong, Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Language: Korean [fluent], English[Fluent]

Ulzzang: Ha Yeon Soo


Back up ulzzang: 


Hieght: 5'4

Weight: 118

Blood Type: A

Its Hard To Face You

Personality: In a nut shell Hyemi is a girl born without a filter. Shes got a witty and sharp tongue , she doesnt hold back and often says whats on her mind. She thinks before she speaks all the time, but the way she words things can come out as rude, snarky, witty, smart, and actually considerate. By filter it means she says whatever she wants and doesnt really care how others see her. Its a charm that people end up admiring because it displays a sort of bravness, since shes not scared of getting in trouble. Shes really stubborn and wont end an argument until she wins, but when she knows that shes totally lost the argument she quickly goes "SSSHHH" everytime that person tries to talk.  She has been told by many others that she has attitude, sass, and can be a diva sometimes but in reality shes kind and friendly. Shes just very outgoing.

Shes got a short fuse and gets mad really easily, but she never blows up on people instead she keeps it bottled inside. She gets really emotional when it comes to her family but doesnt cry infront of others because she has a strong sense of pride. She's gotten into fights with people because shes really defensive of friends and family which makes her a danger for scandles because she wont hold back against anti-fans even if its not her group.


  • The color blue
  • Mocha Frappacino with chocolate whipped cream and mocha drizzle with 3 shots of espresso
  • Pink roses
  • Chinese and japanese food
  • Music thats upbeat and fun
  • She likes UKiss, SHINee, and MIB
  • Watching Kdramas her
  • Running/working out
  • Playing Dance Dance Revolution with the other members
  • Photography and taking pictures


  • Haunted places
  • Rude people, people who are rude to elders
  • Being called a princess or tomboy
  • super sweet things
  • Cheesy lines as a way of picking a girl up, but if its joking shes okay with it
  • Tomatoes
  • Mathmatics
  • When people ignore her
  • Onions
  • Wet clothing sticking to her body

Fears: Snakes, Spiders

Major Flaws: holds grudges, gets mad easily, almost like a crybaby she cries a lot and easily


  • Allergic to Plums
  • Studied abroad in New Zealand for 4 years
  • Shes good at picking up languages, and has always been good at creative writting
  • When shes stressed she goes walking near the han river
  • Shes not the best dancer but she likes dancing
  • Shes favorited by her company's CEO
  • Shes shy and everything, but has been voted the #1 female idol to vacation with
  • Since debut she was labled the nations princess because of her pampered background and sassy attitude
  • Shes the only female member of M.Soul that knows how to play guitar
  • Always checks twitter and updates her fans
  • Can hit 5 octaves but likes singing softly in a soft voice, she does it often when she wants to think
  • Picks at her nails when shes nervous
  • Covers when she laughs because shes self causios of her dimples

Lonliness Amplified

Are you in a girl group or Soloist?:  Group

How many members?: 8

Group name?: M.Soul|| sub groups: Girls Era(4 female members), Mister(4 male members), Hyemi (Solo album), Logic (R&B and Hip hop, consist of 1 female and 2 male), and Spring (1 female and 1 male, theyre an indie duo)

A bit about your group: the group of 8 consist of 4 boys and 4 girls. they perform a series of generes. since its a Co-gender group they split up into a total of 6 sub groups. the boys, the girls, then theres 3 members in that work with R&B and Rap, 2 are an indie duo, and 1 is a soloist. In general as in all 8 together as M.Soul they work with pop and hip hop. M.Soul were big in 2010 for being one of the very few co-gender groups, they gained more popularity as they split into more sub groups. They perform as a whole 8 more than in their sub groups.

What company are you from?: Star Empire entertainment

What are their names and positions?: From oldest to youngest:

  • Hyosung||Leader of M.Soul and Girls Era,Lead Vocalist, visual|| In Girls Era||22
  • Kyumin||Leader of Mister, Visual, Main rapper|| In Mister and Logic|| 22
  • Kangdo|| Lead dancer, vocalist|| In Mister||22
  • Hyemi||Main Vocalist|| In Girls Era, soloist||21
  • Jihyun|| Main rapper, Lead Dancer|| In Girls Era and Logic||19
  • Seulhyung||Main Vocalist|| In Mister and Spring|| 19
  • Sungjae|| Lead Vocal, dance rep.|| In Mister and Logic||17
  • Eunhye||Main Dancer, vocalist, instrumentalist|| In Girls Era, Spring||17

What is your position?: Main Vocal

What is your stage name?: Hyemi

When did you debut?: 2010

What songs have you done?: Should have treated you better (Logic) Nod Along (Mister) Shaking Heart (Mister) Jeon Won Diary (Girls Era) Yoohoo (Girls Era) Oops (M.Soul) Wiith Coffee (Spring) The wind blows (Hyemi)

Have you done any solo activites?: Acting, solo album. 

Ideal Type{for this please chose 3 idols that you would go on the romantic and idol with. dont use someone you dont like because i pick by random. Chose 3 but in orders one two three, as in you want most-want least}


Ideal Type: Tall, Dark Hair, nice collar bone.  A guy thats not so hyper and loud, sensetive when talking to girls, but also gets jealous easily. A guy that doesnt show his jealousy easily, and a strong guy that can stand up for himself or protect me.

Idol one: Daehyun+BAP|| Nice, gentle, doesnt talk a lot, considerate, fatherly instincts, short temper

Idol Two: Minhyuk+CNBLUE||Controlling, quiet at first, short temper, fatherly instinct, sensetive, nice

Idol Three: Myungsoo+Infinite||Quiet, short tempered, nice, dorky, cute, shyish around girls

Do you fall in love easily?: No

Do you get jealous easily?: Yes

Do you want to be a fated couple?: No

Do you want to go on dates with other cast?: 1

What first meeting did you chose?: Four

Did you chose to switch?: Yes

Which necklace did you chose?: One

Which boys song did you chose for the moonlight walk?: Four

Hyper link picture of the shirt you chose for him: Shirt

Your song that you chose for the second moonlight walk: Four

What kind of things do you want to do on dates?: go to an aquarium, hold hands and stand closely, take a selca, Back hug

Will he like anyone else before he actually likes you?: Yes

Hyperlink your song for the moonlight walk: Beautiful

How many come out for your song?: 1

First Love  {Answer these in first person, also ill be asking more questions later, these are basic interview questions throughout the show, but ill most likely ask more}

Does your company let you date?: Our company lets us date freely, but just to scare us they say were not alowed to date.

What were your first thoughts about joining the cast?:  I was excited! if i think about it M.Soul debuted 3 years ago...and i was a trainee for 4 years. so i havent had a boyfriend in 7 years 

Have you ever been on dates before?: Before or after i debuted? ill admit i went on dates with 2 guys since my debut....more than once though.

What do you think about idols and dating?: Depending on how sly you are. Its definatly really hard to keep your relationship a secret especially if its with another idol. Fans notice all the small things, its amazing!

Do you think you'll fall in love?: No. im not sure if ill like anyone thats on the show....i have trust issues, so its hard for me to actually fall in love.

Do you want to fall in love?: I do but at the same time im scared, i dont want to feel heartbreak or that pain

Have you ever been in love?: No

Do you want him to call you by your stagename or real name?: Real name


Cherry Blossom Ending

Any Scene request?: {Dont use his name because like i said of the three you chose im going to pick one at random, so you never know who itll be}










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