imagination to reality???

Eunhyuk tweeted :

what ELFs imagine:

Lee Donghae told Lee Hyukjae they should go to disneyland. Hyukjae happily agreed.

then revealed:

130523 Eunhyuk at Tous Les Jours [Fan Accounts]

Fan: Did you have fun in Japan?
Hyukjae: I had fun~
Fan: What did you do?
Hyukjae: Got dragged to Disneyland by Donghae, but I still had a really fun time~

Source: jeisoppa_04
Translated by: @mish_shellx


Eunhyuk tweeted: 

what ELFs imagine:

The truth is.. :))     -Meo-


then revealed:

Eunhyuk and Donghae at Disneyland Tokyo (Japan) | Part 2 [1P] – From 130515eunhyuk

what? what we imagine can be true right?? *fanfics flooded mind*


and if this is true?







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