Idk whats wrong with me. I should be studying right now from friday but I didnt. And I know I'm gonna regret it later and say "I shouldve studied this afternoon (cause that's the only free time that i have). Why am I so lazy? I'm gonna faaaillll this exaaammm :(((("

I'm pretty sure I said that everynight. But after that I'm still playing my phone while my friends are breaking their brains so hard.


Can someone please tell me how much studying is really important. Please please please??? Maybe if someone did I think Im not going to study either.


You see, I'm such a laazy girl. I mean, very lazy. And I like to procrastinate too. Tch tch. 


Tomorrow I have Maths paper and Principle of Accounting paper. My school is crazy. Why did they shove the two important subjects in one day. I feel like killing someone. And yeah, havent studied anything. Pretty sure my POA teacher is going to yell at me after the exams. Sobs.


Maybe I should stop fangirling from now on. But I already did. I dont have twitter to fangirl anymore. And here I am, stuck in AFF world, my only source of updating EXO News thanks to Raynie Unnie. <3




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