OAEJBFVKJDSFBVDSKFJVNLKDSFJVJDFV!! everyone looked dashing in the airport today!! :3

Super Junior, Tohoshinki, and i think f(x) from Incheon to NYC.

SHINee from Narita to NYC.

no signs of SNSD yet~ guess the girls are still going to prerecord their comback stages ehh?? i really don't have a clue D: 

*what a fan, right?? =.=*

Kyuhyun and Changmin looked sleepy.. best buddies are the same! XD

well..actually, everyone looked tired.. Hyukjae especially since he's got a cold *hope he gets well soon*

hope everyone gets enough rest during the flight.. it'll be a looooong flight.. more or less 14 hours? 

Changmin was carrying his laptop..he rather looked like he's going to school! XD

Yunho did not shave?? O__O oh well..still look hot~ :3

i love Victoria's fedoraaaaa~~ :3

they said there will be no Siwon for SMTNYC? guess he's really busy with his drama ehh??

and Henry will not go back to Korea yet after the concert? 

Donghae got blemishes ;A; ohh bb~~ take care of your skin~ XD

Sungmin in his yellow pants :3 so cute~ kekekeke

Ryeowook, Zhoumi and Henry~ omg! forever loving their outfits~ X3 in black!! XDD

there's this one photo..i thought Teuk was Ming! XD OTL fail eyes~ XD

Shindong..sleepwalking! loljk! XD

and finally, HEECHUL! XD in the streets of Seoul~~ kekekekekeke

Key and Jjong walking side by side :3


and all this i got from the photos i've seen~~ XD

that's all thank you~ XD


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