I'm not sleeping tonight....

I apologize in advance for any typos because I'm writing this on my phone because I'm at my sister's house with no computer. So, I'm at my sister's, like I said, and I'm staying in my nieces' room with my cousin, Mary. They're remodeling so right this minute there's no door on this room, so whenever we changed we would go in the big closet here. Well, while looking in the closet to make surethere wasn't anything to step on, Mary ahppened to come across a spider. It was a big spider. Like, this spider was bigger than my hand. And Mary decided we should go in there and kill it. -shudders- I don't even want to talk about it anymore. Anyway, we killed the spider. It's ing huge. And it has fangs. Legitimate fangs that are almost as long as my pinky nail. (Granted, I bite my nails, but my point still stands.) So, I am now going to curl up in a corner and read Incarceron until my brother-in-law gets up and it's time for us to go to the zoo woth my neice, cuz there's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep in the same room that had that big spider in it. Edit:: I also apologize for the fact that my phone won't keep any styling so this is just one big paragraph. >.< Also, I am extremely horrified of spiders, if anyone was wondering.


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ewwwww... I can't stand spiders or any kind of insect for that matter -.-