
-- from E_magine


1. How often are you on AFF?
Pretty much every single day? ^~^


2. What do you normally do when you're on AFF?
Check the updates, the comments, all those orange notifications I usually get whenever I log in and of course, check out my friend's blog posts :) I'm a random creeper^^'


3. How many friends do you have on AFF?

Well, around 540 friends^^

4. How many of them do you talk to on a regular basis?
Just a few... maybe 10? TT^TT


5. Do you know how you're friends are doing?
Most of them. I like being there for them no matter what. So I know who's doing great and who's not that good lately... one friend I can't get to though TT.TT


6. Would you say you give or take more on AFF?
Well, it depends. I try to be a better writer for my readers, a better friend for those who need my advice, a better person per whole. But at the same time I'm trying to read more and make other authors happy... so it depends from the perspective you're seeing things :)


7. How many stories have you written?


8. How many are complete?

9. Are there any stories that you aren't satisfied with?
Well, I'm not that kind of person to go back and read what I wrote one year ago, but I guess my first stories here need some touches of grammar and vocabulary^^'


10. Do you have a goal for the number of stories you want to write?
Not really. I have in plan to write two more, but then again, if I am to look over my writer's notebook, I'm  more than sure that I'll find other three that I had in plan to write at a certain moment. They'll all get their chance someday :D


11. How do you personally feel about AFF?
I LOVE IT! Really, I love AFF the way it is because I don't mind the twisted minds around here that would do anything for subscribers/upvotes or any other kind of things. It's just in human nature to be that way... So, I like AFF for the way it is, for the people that if gathers, for the family like feeling it gives to me every single day. And I'll have to thank Jason for this :D


12. Have you gotten attached to anyone in particular on AFF? (You don't have to say names)
Yes. I've got some awesome friends around here that I would feel sad to lose ^~^ Thank you guys for sticking with me! *huuugs*


13. Was there ever a time that you wanted to leave AFF and why?
I actually thought really well of leaving AFF for good because of school and studies. But then, writing is my only hobby and I want to continue writing it and I need people to read my stories in order to improve^^ And the friends I met here - they're to keep!


14. Do you take breaks from AFF?

Depends on my schedule...


15. What makes you stay on AFF? Is it friends? Writing? Other?

I would have to say that both :)




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xoxmarshaxox #1
540 friends? HOLY MOLY O.o
You always give me so much advices and all! Thank you ^^