Reflection Survey


Reflection Survey


1. How often are you on AFF?


2. What do you normally do when you're on AFF?

Update stories and blog posts, chat with friends, spazz over SuJu, wait for my friends to respond even after a million years -_______-

3. How many friends do you have on AFF?

111 friends

4. How many of them do you talk to on a regular basis?


5. Do you know how you're friends are doing?

They said they are fine, although someone's brother here is disappointed because he has no holidays and today is supposed to be one *poor him* (dare to reveal his name and I will surely, as in surely kill anyone who said that person's name)

6. Would you say you give or take more on AFF?

Mwoh? What kind of question is this? I can't understand a thing -_____-

7. How many stories have you written?

15 lame stories


8. How many are complete?

11 are done


9. Are there any stories that you aren't satisfied with?

The Blind :Pianist (yunjae fic) I lost 40% of inspiration to write it)

10. Do you have a goal for the number of stories you want to write?

I don't have... WHAT IF I MAKE 100!? XD


11. How do you personally feel about AFF?

Fun talking with my unnies, oppas and a few dongsaeng but... irritated by snobs and I feel resentment


12. Have you gotten attached to anyone in particular on AFF? (You don't have to say names)

if it is about having a crush in this awesome site, actually in the past, 1 is 13 years old, 1 is 22 years old, and the current 1 is... he said to someone he is 17 but in his profile he is 16... darn. (dare to reveal his name and I will surely, as in surely kill anyone who said that person's name)


13. Was there ever a time that you wanted to leave AFF and why?

OMG Sun... a million times I think XD


14. Do you take breaks from AFF?

I would have to... to rest from stress but I can't XD


15. What makes you stay on AFF? Is it friends? Writing? Other?

Friends and the dream to be a famous author someday (which I know wll NEVER happen -________- darn.)


  • Credit to putewi_jae


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yaahhh.. i m not snob...:P i just get senti when it comes to jaemin