INFINITE Exam Result!

Kim Sunggyu

English -  57
Mathematics - 67
Japanese - 67
Science -  72

Average : 66


Jang Dongwoo

English - 78
Mathematics - 55
Japanese - 69
Science - 40

Average : 61


Nam Woohyun

Eglish - 48
Mathematics - 39
Japanese - 61
Science - 69

Average : 54


Lee Howon/Hoya 

English - 63
Mathematics - 76
Japanese - 63
Science - 67

Average : 67


Lee Sungyeol

English - 52
Mathematics - 70
Japanese - 73
Science - 64

Average : 65


Kim Myungsoo/L

English - 86
Mathematics - 100
Japanese - 75
Science - 82

Average : 86


Lee Sungjong 

English - 55
Mathematics - 54
Japanese - 82
Science - 61

Average : 63


Myung, the crazy one with the cleverest brain! I was expecting Myung to get higher in Japanese but, it turn out to be Jong~ and, and, Namu yah, did you ever study? XDD Hoya's result are 6#+ Kim Sunggyu, you're not the brain, it's Kim Myungsoo~ :p


credit : @kyujiji_


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l is the smartest?
i thought it was Sungyeol~
CubeLoverNaeun #2
L is the smartest~
Sungyeol is the fourth smartest^^