well.. this is just something to add to the number of blogs *my nonsensical blogs* i have. XD

so here't goes..


yes..yes..just as what my status says..my ultimate kpop bias in none other than LEE DONGHAE!! <3333

yeah..it's him.. XD i might as well add Yoona there..by then i'll have a male and female "ultimate" bias! XD

but..i don't know.. when it comes to fics, i just can't help but fall in love all over again for Kyuhyun's and Changmin's characters.

and ofcourse Yoona! <333333

their characters.. omg! pure charming <3 just charming <3 

but i guess it's because i first read stories from nikatsu, ifallelsefails and candyredhearts eh? they are awesome! 

don't you agree with me? kekekekekeke


yeah~ that's just about it.. i mean, this post! XD

by the way, why is it so hard to make a dog take her medicine?? @.@ /randomquestionisrandom XDDDD


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We're so alike!! ^^ My ultimate male and female biases are Donghae and Yoona but I ship Yoong with Kyuhyun!! Kkkk XD