White Wing Angel's Academy Application

-Profile Name-

AFF Name: ShinningStarx3

AFF link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/34068


-Character's Info-


Name: Nakamura Aiko


Appeareance: Link 1   || Link 2 || Link 3 || Link 4


Ulzzang Name : Kim Jee In


Age: 19


Etnichity: Japanese-Chinese


Birthdate: 29/12/1992


Personality : Aiko is a very straight forward girl that says what's in her mind. Hate fakers and hypocrites a lot. She won't fake in front of anyone. Doesn't like people talking bad things about her. But she won't do anything though. She believes that one day, they will get what they deserve for spreading those things. She shows all her emotion out. When she is happy, smiles will always craves at her face. When she is sad or angry, sadness and anger are written all over her face. Very loyal to friends and always help them whenever they need help. Sometimes, she can be very sharp with her words. That's when people annoys her. Can be very crazy when she is hyper.



- Dancing

- The color blue

- Desserts

- Winter

- Playing with her friends

- Observing people

- Sweets

- Cool weather

- Skipping rope

- Being crazy with her friends


Dislikes :

- Darkness

-Annoying people

- Fakers

- Hypocrites

- Thunder

- Raining

- Seafood

- Eggs

- Brainless people

- Being disturb


Hobbies :

- Dancing

- Exercising

- Playing basketball

- Doing yoga

- Writing blog

- Eating


Trivia (it's optional):

- B bloodtype

- 170CM tall , weighs 46KG

- She likes wearing colorful cloth when she is in good mood and darker color cloth when she is in down mood

- Kicks everything off when she is sleeping

- The sky will rain everytime a tear drop from her eye


Style : Casual: Link 1 || Link 2 || Link 3


            Formal: Link 1 || Link 2 || Link 3






Father: Nakamura Hiroshi


Mother: Lee Mei Xin


Siblings : Nakamura Ai (Younger sister)


Your previous life (when you still alive):

Her father runs hotel business. He is always went out for work and rarely come back home. Their relationship wasn't that good. Her mother stay at home always and teaches her daughters. She is a traditional women. That's why she like to teach her daughters to become a lady-like girl. They have rules in everything they do. Aiko is the one that always rebel towards her mother. She hate being control and become a lady-like girl. What her mother told her to do, she will do the opposite. She rarely stays at home. Her mother also gives up upon her. Luckily, her younger sister, Ai, is different from her. Ai follows whatever her mother say. But Aiko and Ai's relationship is very close. They chat and play together always since small. Both of them will tell each other everything.


-Academy Life-


How did you die : There's once, her sister is dating a guy. Actually, Aiko does not really believes that guy and thinks that her is a playboy. She told her sister many times but she doesn't believes it. This already makes their relationship become worst. After not long, her sister found out that he is really a playboy. She wanted to suicide by jumping down from a building. Aiko immediately stops her. But unfortunately, Aiko is the one that accidently being pushed down from the building.


Your abilities : Freezing the time, heal and able to see the near future


Friend(s) : Miss A's Jia, SNSD's Hyoyeon


-Love Life-


Your lover's name : Infinite's Hoya


His / her personality (not too long please ><): He is a very shy guy and don't really know how to show his feelings out. He loves dancing a lot and when he dance, he is full of charisma. He is very shy when there's girl. Many people say that he is cool and calm with his poker face. Some girl maybe said that he is ert since he have some 'problem' when girls touches him. He doesn't care much and avoid being near with girls.


His / her life's problem : He have a problem that haunted him very long. A problem where if a girl touches him, his leg will automatically becomes jelly. Or maybe more worst, nose bleed.


How you solved his / her problems : At first sight, Hoya didn't think that Aiko is a girl since her appearance looks like a guy. Then, there is first time that Aiko touches him but there's no effect. So, Aiko just continue her identity as a "guy" and help him to overcome this problem. She knows that it's his psychological problems. She keep on touching him and tried hard to touches other girl too. At first, she call him to touch a barbie doll. Then, she call him to take the touches of other girl as the touches of barbie dolls. It will be no problem! Not long after that, he recovered from his problems.


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