There's life and there's AFF


Ok so I just finished my science gcse

(it's an education thing we have here in england)

and omg

the test was...okay,ha

Hopefully I did well though


No but seriously,

I had like a headache the night before from just revising and reviewing the topics

My brain needs rest

I started revising a week before the exams

and it was like an endless series of biology, chemistry, physics, it felt like my mind was about to explode

but supposedly I got through. However, this isn't the last science test though

(aww bommy don't cryy~~)


There's one in two weeks time, and I have a one week holiday starting from Monday.

Therefore I have an option if I want to spend my holiday revising for the next stoopid science test,

I will explode due to thermal expansion in my head (idk if thats possible)


This will probably be me when I open the text book



But, this blog post isn't only about that.

Actually, for me, college is coming up soon and I find it really scary

It's like i'm actually growing up to be an adult (O M G)

But i'm so unsure of my life thoughh, like, idk what to be or what courses to take

KPOP is like dragging me to the computer and i'm being u n p r o d u c t i v e

If I could I would work in YG or SM

Then I could be like, the cleaner lady or something that sweeps the floors of where they practiced dancing and where their sweat dripped

Maybe I could even bump in to them and imma be like


"hey boi"

o yes yes.


Mais oui, maintenant, la vie c'est un petit peu difficile pour moi

yes i know french

but yeah

life is like


i'm confused now, im all stressyy about it


ok bye now




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