What'a the writer block means?

Writer blocked.

I read about it 2times,and until now,I still didn't know exactly what it means?

why? What happened?

is it happened when we left our story for too long or anything?

could someone please explain to me what's that means?

thank you...and please forgive my stupidness...XD 


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It means that you ran out of ideas what to write next. And.. I'm having it right now. ;;________;;
Ummm...thank you but I got the various answer here.and the second answer is really freakin me out.
Violet green version.my gosh..,really?if we leave our story too long the web will send some notification? Andwaeeee...my stories...(hardcore,my lady Prostitude were on hiatus for too long...)
It's not becoz I didn't wanted to or didn't have the idea,BUT to be honest I'm too lazy to wrote and my mood not belongs to that stories for a while...
And to violet green: aish..I already tweet the pic(but I forgot to mention you..) alright I mention you personally on twitt.just see it by yourself.
Btw..,thank you for all your answer^^b
writer's block is when you don't know what to write next or maybe you have an idea but it doesn't seem right in your head you just seem to not be able to continue with the story.your thoughts are too scattered and it doesn't make sense and you can't continue further for some reason. It's sort of like meeting a dead end or wall and you stare at it for a long time before you realize you have been looking at it for a long time before you realize to turn around and find your way again. Just like in story writing, sometimes we're so into writing that we've got so many ideas flowing and you can come up with one chapter after another but then all of sudden you stop and you can't figure out how to continue, it could be for many reasons like running out of ideas, or you can't seem find an inspiration to continue on with the story...and sometimes laziness is a factor... I know it happens to me every now and then.
Luxshh #4
It's when the author is having troubles in coming up with new ideas or don't know what to write next. :)
lol unnie, that's what authors got when they leave em story too long LOL,

And where's the gbom ring? LOL