I'm Gonna Be A Trainee...

the reason's i will of for year's...that i'll  be a trainee...

our manager told us to off any our account for a moment to only focuse on our trainee...

i am very excited...i will start train this monday...really happy



thanks to all my family....that's always support me


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how did u audition?? where??
unnie I'm happy can't wait until unnie debut...I'm always support unnie...
CHEONGMALYO?!?!!?!?!?!? CHUKAHE UNNIE!!!! =D I'M SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Based on NewWorlds, where do you be a trainee??
NewWorlds #4
Wow really? It's good then but I'm sad too because we haven't got a chance to know each other... But, well, good luck for you... I'm happy for you.. Fighting!!! \(^⌣^)/

Btw, may I know where do you be a trainee? Well, if you are not allowed to tell anybody.. No need to answer it.. ^^
Hwaiting!! And congratz.. ^^