Diary Entry 130522

I feel like letting this out somewhere but I don't want to tell it to someone I know. I hate being asian. You are always getting compared to others and your parents always find a way to demoralize you.

Dear Mom,

I love you but at the same hate you. My brother did his best for his exams. He did practice papers after practice papers. He studied for hours and listened to you. He even burned the midnight oil studying and when he didn't get the marks you wanted, you scold him. At least he ing tried okay. Yes I admit he is not that bright. At least he is putting in effort. Do you know how much he wanted to make you proud? You just destroyed it by calling him lazy, arrogant and complacent. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE IS GOING THROUGH IN SCHOOL? No you don't because you are absorbed in your work and were busy buying more and more practice papers for him. I know it's for his own good but asking him to do 3 papers a day? That's ing unreasonable. At least congratulate him for his efforts. I hate being in an Asian family. All they think about are grades. And by the way mom, I find your command of English much worse than my brother's. I can hear you screaming at him regarding his poor grammar. Ironic isn't it? At least dad understands. He teaches students so he would know. Oh and one more thing, don't compare your childhood to his. It's different.

Your child,



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Cheer up afi, he did his best=]
My mom is also like that, not just to my brother but us three that went out of her womb. It's annoying really, because now, my mom's main target is my eldest brother who's studying for his bar exams.

You must love your brother so much. :)
Sorry for barging in.