*** CEO commits suicide!!!!!


Stardom Entertainment’s former CEO commits suicide amidst Block B lawsuit.


The former head of Block B‘s agency, Lee Seung Yeoncommitted suicide on May 21 amidst the controversy involving Block B and their contract.

A source close to the deceased told enews on May 21, “[The former agency head] Mr. Lee committed suicide in the basement of his home on May 20. He was found dead by a friend, and the wake is currently underway.”

The wake started at a hospital in Seoul since the evening of the day he was found dead. The coffin will be borne out on May 22.

Mr. Lee gathered much attention as an important official in the charges Block B had brought against its agency.

On January 3, the group had filed for the cancellation of its contract against Stardom Entertainment. Block B had asserted that Stardom had failed to pay it a year′s worth of profits, and that Mr. Lee had received 70 million won from the members′ parents and disappeared.

Stardom Entertainment, however, had countered that it had never failed to pay the members, and that there was a mastermind behind the members.

Honestly not sure what to think here. Obviously the suicide , but the lawsuit itself is a separate issue, and now one of the key players has taken the most extreme measure possible over it.

Was it out of guilt or stress or harassment? I certainly don’t know, but I know this is just gonna make things worse for Block B as a group, as it’s going to be harder than ever to recover.

Yes, it’s true that they have basically no connection to the suicide at all, but they’ll be associated with a man killing himself no matter what, because that’s how people think. Thus, the long road back for Block B just got a bit longer.






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currypanda #1
geez... i miss Block B