hangeng...SJM...blue tomorrow

listening to blue tomorrow again, really suits the situation right now

贤:到了明天 说好不再见面
我一个人 点了一杯想念

yes. we have said goodbye already, but can i really forget the memories of you in SJ?
觅:到了明天 只能让爱擦肩
天亮前 变成泛黄的照片

all our memories will only in the past now...never to see you all together again

i can feel my heart aching...is just not the same without you, there will always be an empty space in my heart

yes, i am crying...so much that i dont think i will ever cry again
留在了心底 放在了唇边

my love to you will last forever, i will never let it leave my mouth
庚:到了明天 你就离开我身边

hangeng, you have left us already...
源:到了明天 独自向流星许愿

SJ is not going to be the same anymore, this is the ending to 13+2 SJ....at least on stage, even though it will stay in my heart

yes it has...i wish it hasnt...why does the prophecy have to be like this?
贤:碎了一地的诺言 拼凑不回的昨天
可我仍期待奇迹会出现 no no

if i could, i would bring time back...back when you were all there, i will still have the tiny hope that someday you will be together again

this is to much for me already....i dont want you to ever disapper from my SJ memories
庚:爱 还留在我房间
回忆还很新鲜 一瞬间

it will...last forever, no matter what..in my heart

觅:没有你爱开始冬眠 孤单会占据每一天
我站在路灯下面 冷清的街边

i feel cold without seeing you with SJ anymore, is just not right...
贤:是我们一起躲过雨的屋檐 oh

i will look back at the things that we have been through...they are memories that i will treasure forever
海:我依然还 怀念相爱的从前
觅:我依然还 等你回到我身边

i will wait....no matter how long i have to wait
旭:按下暂停的时间 直到你再次出现
无法承受没有你的每一天 oh no
贤:我爱著你 到永远

it will never change no matter what

hangeng, i love you


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jeniscool100 #1
<3333333<br />
I love him and miss him so much too! ): <br />
Every time I hear that song I think of him. ♥