ABC Quiz


A-AVAILABLE: As in, for a relationship? Um i'm single? idk what you want from me!


B-BIRTHDAY: October 18th


C-CRUSHING ON: Well a couple hundred half-way across th damned world, a few non-existant characters (fml) and a handful of others ~douglas coughcough~


D-DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Orange juice yeaaaa realin' it in.




F-FAVORITE SONG/S: The Kurosuji soundtrack, Vixx's HYDE (fuq me), Yoga Lin, Kalafina...the list goes on really.


H-HOMETOWN: Crater 36 on the Moon.


I-INLOVE WITH: Alois Trancy rn now me what has my life become - oh and that ing psycho-demon ing Leo HEE-LO!


J-JUGGLE: Balls ;)


K-KILLED SOMEONE: Yeah man i'm not that much of a psycho...


L-LONGEST CAR RIDE: Got stuck in traffic once on the way up to Yorkshire...took us around 6 hours to get there.


M-MILK SHAKE FLAVOR:  The 'Josie' at shakeaway is my life in a cup rn. Oh and chocolate mmmm.




O-ONE WISH: For my family to be better off.


P-PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: From what i can remember my mum. I killed my phone last week so... :/


R-REASON TO SMILE: Making other people happy makes you feel good inside so...make others happy to make yourself happy i suppose.


S-SONG YOU LAST HEARD: EXO's 365 lullaby version. I swear my kids will be listening to that gorgeous melody fo' so'~


T-TIME YOU WOKE UP: 7:20 - I had an exam this morning /sobs.


U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: Well I was wearing some pretty in pink undies~


V - VEGETABLES: carots are pretty yummy...


W - WORST HABIT: I have a tendancy to itch my skin when i'm nervous which is stupid.


X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Never had one~ I play it safe ya know.


Y - YOYOS ARE: I tried.


Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Libra because ya know. I'm like that.





Spell your name without vowels: M


Your favorite number: 18


What color/s do you wear most? Green nowadays.


Least favorite color? I...don't have one rn.


What are you listening to? Lonely Island - Boombox. SO I GRAB MY BOOMBOX AND HIT THE TURBO BOOST!


Are you happy with your life right now? S'alright. Feel like i could be doing better but meh.


What is your favorite class in school? Um German is pretty fun at times and english is alright i suppose, don't really have one. Do frees and lunch count?


Who is your best friend? MissScarlet and takamat yo.


Are you outgoing? Not particularly. I just embarrass myself if i do.


Favorite pair of shoes? Brown convers.


Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Wait is this the ual thing? No, just no.


Can you whistle? Yurp~


Write with both hands? Kinda, my left is a bit rusty~


Cross your eyes? Yeah but i'm still worried about getting stuck like that. xD


Walk with your toes curled? Yeah but it's uncomfortable.






Do you believe there is life on other planets?  We live in a big place so i think there has to be some form of life out thur somewhere.


Do you believe in miracles? I like to think so.


Do you believe in magic? Never particularly given that one much thought...


Do you believe in Satan?  I think he exists in some people, yeah.


Do you like roller coasters? Yes, but not as much recently.


Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? ...Reality shows?






Have you ever asked someone out? No I am never going to get a boyfriend tbh xD


Have you ever been asked out by someone? Not that I can think of no. (i am...the undesirable~ ;)


Have you ever been to the ocean? Yeah my grandparents live like 10 minutes away from the seaside :)


Have you ever painted your nails?  I am very fussy with it but yur.






What is the temperature outside? Dunno, but it's cold.


What radio station do you listen to? Radio Paloma but otherwise nothing.


What was the last restaurant you ate at? Umm...oh The (something) Inn with my dad, I can't remember the name xD


What was the last thing you bought? Black Butler book 4.


What was the last thing on TV you watched? I watched VIXX TV about an hour ago /sigh ~VIXX~ <3





Who was the last person you IM'd? MissScarlet~


Who was the last person you took a picture of? My friend Lauren?


Who was the last person you said "I love you too"? My mum. (Leo in my head xD)


Ever really cried your heart out? Of course.


Ever cried yourself to sleep? Hardly even a handful of times.


Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Once me thinks?


Ever cried over the opposite ? No I never really understood that though.


Do you cry when you get an injury? If it hurts then it's like a knee-jerk reaction with me sadly ugh the sissy i have become.


Do certain songs make you cry?  Some.






Are you a happy person? Mostly. I think so anyways~


What is your current hair color? It's a nice brown :)




What shirt are you wearing? My Leo shirt because ya know i'm sad like that~ My bb.


Shoes? None, it's like 12 am rn.


Necklaces? I don't wanna choke myself~


Underwear? Nope, oops.






Eye color: Green?


Short or long hair: Short-medium?


Height: 168 cm apparently.






Been to jail: Lol no.


Thought about suicide: I think most people have, yeah.


Thrown up in a store: Haha no.


Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: So, so many things. 


Seen a dead body: Not of a human, no.


Been on drugs: Yur 'cause i'm hard core innit.






Pepsi or Coke: Ew neither.


McDonald's or Burger King: Not really keen on either tbh.


Couple or Group Dates: Couple dates are cute!




Strawberries or Blueberries: RASPBERRIES!


Meat or Veggies:  Meat all the way~~~


TV or Movie:  Movie for me pls.


Guitar or Drums: Oh drummers' arms are like killer gosh look at chanyeol or minhyuk yes pls unf. but for me personally to play? guitar.


Adidas or Nike: I always had adidas growing up so...bias~.


Chinese or Mexican: Chinese in my bias.


Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Cornflakes are wonderful to make chocolate snacks with so imma go with them :D


Thanks for this interesting quiz young buba.


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MissScarlett #1
Yeh lets be cool innit together yo. You smoke that spliff and pass it along.... oh....Yeh.....BRUV.
I JUST HAD AND IT FELT SO GOOD! sorry had to do it xD (the cherry thing is a s exual thing?? O.o no wonder they looked at me weird...)