ohmygaaaaaaaaaad. VIXX. no.

I freaking hate you guys!

I hate you! 

Yes, you! 


I just can't- VIXX NO. NO! Please don't do this to me!


I can't anymore . . .

It's 6am in the morning and I screamed and and...

Got scolded ; ___ ; 

It's your fault, Vixx. Yes, your fault.

Your fault for being perfect and this mv . . . 

Jellyfish, how could you? ; ___ ; 

Idk now /cries even harder/ 


lol. so yeah, what i got from the the mv..

They were happy with the girl when they were wearing white suits? and blabla which presents something pure and innocent .__. idk lol

And black, color for something . . . not realy really good. 

That includes revenge. :3 



omg. n was like, "move biatch -.-" 

awwww. my baby is so . . . cute :3 lol. 

I should stop before someone attacks me to be quiet. 

b-but . . . /sobs/ 


Vixx, I hate youuuuuuuuuuuu so muuuuuuch. 

Remember that. Why?

For being perfect, you ; ______ ; 



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