i am quite fine but...

Do you all know that feeling? You think everything's okay and fine but you know something isn't right.



Sometimes I feel pressured updating my fics... you know... the subscribers... sometimes are harsh and demanding. Silent readers hurt me a little. Sometimes they use the terms 'puppy eyes' in their comments when they are saying I should update. I... keep on updating because I am so afraid to lose subscribers. it happened thrice I think.


One of my unni here said I should not force myself if I can't do it. Sometimes at nights I can't sleep well because I kept on thinking about what to update... up to the point I lost inspiration to write one of my fics so I am finding a co-author now. I think I want my stories done because you know... school will start in June 10 and I don't want to leave my stories hanging.


One of my male friend here said, "want some?

*give you cookies* here

you should rest..


I tried but I just can't. You know that feeling when you wake up with panda eyes... I want to sleep more but I wake up early... I can't control myself to sleep again. I don't have eyebugs but rather... EYEBAGGAGE XD

I don't know if I have sleeping disorders or what but I just feel so tired XD I can't really take rest. All I can do to remove my dizziness is eating XD


BTW thank you for reading this and also to the people who told me to rest XD you don't know that it meant a lot to me *bows*







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my dear dongsaeng,these are just stories,just fanfics...but you MUST SLEEP A LITTLE LONG...don't be afraid about losing subscribers...your health is more important than these...stop forcing yourself and don't think anymore about fics when you sleep...just think about a green field with flowers and a light blue sky...you'll feel better...saranghaeyo!!!^^*
Seriously, they are only stories, the subbies are importants, but you can't lose sleep over this XD

If you lose them, you lose them. And if you don't..well, then you don't. I mean, I haven't updated anything of mine in 4 months //bricked// But all my readers still like me.. lol I hope
yah!!!! go to rest!!!
ignore the subscribers~ (okay i'm being mean here... lol)

but, i think you should update when you have the mood to do so. :) forcing yourself won't be good! and you have your life beside the fics too... kekekekeke. XD
Put on some old Mariah Carey and your good to go!
That's what I do...