The Do's, Have's, What's, and Who's + About You (Taken from BabyLocket)


Formerly from GeekReader




Do you believe there is life on other planets? Yep~


Do you believe in miracles? Yeah, kinda. 


Do you believe in magic? well. different kinds. 


Do you believe in Satan? Nope~


Do you like roller coasters? not rllybut i shall conquer my fear!!!!!!!


Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? certain things, maybe. 






Have you ever asked someone out? Nope.


Have you ever been asked out by someone? yes.. but i said yes in a few yrs bc i was like 11. but then he kept on talking to me and a relationship kinda formed i guess. then i broke up with him. then got into kpop. so life is good~


Have you ever been to the ocean? Yeah~


Have you ever painted your nails? yeah. but i failed miserably





What is the temperature outside? like mayb50-60 degrees outside.


What radio station do you listen? any, like z100, 103.5, 102.7, but its only bc my parents and other ppl that ik listen to those stations. 


What was the last restaurant you ate at? H.K. Tea and Sushi~


What was the last thing you bought? well my mom told me to buy a comb for her. but for myself, i bought milk tea with bubbles~


What was the last thing on TV you watched? um. i watched a bb game. knicks vs. pacers i think? 






Who was the last person you IM'd? never had one. 


Who was the last person you took a picture of? i dont take pics of ppl.....


Who was the last person you said "I love you too"? i think it was either to the laptop, or to a friend. i think it was to the laptop... (depressing life)


Ever really cried your heart out? yup...


Ever cried yourself to sleep? well yeah. or i cried b4 i slept and then went to sleep. i think i did... 


Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? nope. 


Ever cried over the opposite ? yup...


Do you cry when you get an injury? yup. but for some reason when it comes to rlly bad injuries like im bleeding and whatever i dont cry. but if i get hit like rlly hard or something then i start crying. like recently i got hit in the throat/chin with a volleyball and i started crying. im a very sensitive person okay? 


Do certain songs make you cry? if i watch the mv. like haruharu made my cry like everytime i watched it. 





Are you a happy person? sometimes. im like bipolar. 


What is your current hair colour? black. but i want rlly dark blue highlights. like dongwoo's blue. 


What shirt are you wearing? white either crocheted or lace (i think its crocheted) shirt from ae~


Shoes? im not wearing shoes. NO SHOES IN THIS ASIAN HOUSE. 


Necklaces? nothing. 


Underwear? white? idk. im not gonna check. 


Eye colour: brown or black. i wish it was like purple or something. green would be kewl. but i like black. 


Short or long hair: short~


Height: 5'1ishhh. 





inspiritkissmeemily <3 (inspiritkissmebestfriendmelody)


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