Eternall Application || Yoo Hyeji





Hello my name is  {Yoo Hyeji}





Behind The Mask;

Username; Kang_Sara
Profile link; Here
Activeness; 9

What should I call you?; Sara


I Was Born This Way;

Character name; Kwon Hyeji
Date of Birth; May 15, 1993
Age; 20 Korea 19 Internationally
Ethnicity; Korean
Languages spoken; Korean [native] Manadrin [conversational] Japanese [conversational]
Place of Birth; Daejeon, South Korea
Hometown; Seo-Gu, Daejeon, South Korea


They Say I'm Beautiful;

Ulzzang; Do Hweji

one || two || three || four || five

Back-up Ulzzang; Lee So ah

one || two || three || four || five 

Height; 167cm
Weight; 54kg


Let Me Tell You Something That You Already Know;

Personality;  In a nut shell Hyeji is a girl born without a filter. Shes got a witty and sharp tongue , she doesnt hold back and often says whats on her mind. She thinks before she speaks all the time, but the way she words things can come out as rude, snarky, witty, smart, and actually considerate. By filter it means she says whatever she wants and doesnt really care how others see her. Its a charm that people end up admiring because it displays a sort of bravness, since shes not scared of getting in trouble. Shes really stubborn and wont end an argument until she wins, but when she knows that shes totally lost the argument she quickly goes "SSSHHH" everytime that person tries to talk. 

 It scares people that a a young girl like her is clever like a character from a CSI drama. She has been told by many others that she has attitude, sass, and can be a diva sometimes

However shes got a short fuse and gets mad really easily, but she never blows up on people instead she keeps it bottled inside. She gets really emotional when it comes to her family but doesnt cry infront of others because she has a strong sense of pride. She's gotten into fights with people because shes really defensive of friends and family which makes her a danger for scandles because she wont hold back against anti-fans even if its not her group.

Background; Hyeji comes from a wealthy family. Her dad is the CEO of a sports store in Daejeon so she actually doesnt get to see him often since shes debuted. Her parents are divorced and her mom lives abroad in Paris, Hyeji hasnt talked to her mother since she was in middle school and her parents divorced, she doesnt even know if her mom knows that shes an idol. Hyeji gets her athleticness from her dad who played baseball, basketball, and soccer, for 30 years before retiering and taking over her grandpas Sports store. Her mom however was very musically talented, she had a lovely voice, and had always wanted to compose music but never found time. Hyeji herself is athletic from her dad and played Softball all through 6th grade to her 1st year of highschool when she quit to become a trainee.


  • Coffee, she practically lives off it especially mocha frappacino with choco whipped cream and mocha drizzle from starbucks, its her favorite drink
  • animals, especially dogs, shes always wanted one but her dad never bought her one
  • manga's, shes not the best with reading text books and has always loved reading comics
  • Ne-yo she personally looks up to Neyo and Alicia Keys as a singer
  • Gejang, she loves seafood
  • Dancing, she likes excusses to be sassy
  • Fashion, just because shes sporty doesnt mean she doesnt like looking pretty
  • SHINee, one of her favorite boygroups
  • Lee Taemin, her favorite member of SHINee
  • Leesang, verbal jint, suprsingly she actually likes rap, and hip hop
  • Singing, she finds it more fun if its at a norebang with friends
  • Baseball games, since shes played softball all her life and her dad loves baseball she grew a love for it


  • Snakes its her number one fear
  • Spiders its her number two fear
  • haunted places because she had a bad experience at a haunted house her dad took her too
  • Rude people, or people mean to others
  • People who cake on makeup, she says they belong in bakery's not on stage if they look like that
  • Being called a tomboy, shes not, shes actually really girly despit her personality
  • Homework, shes only ever done decent in school


  • Softball
  • Watching Baseball games
  • She honestly loves singing just as much as softball and baseball
  • listening to music while going for walks, she listens to hip hop and rap most of the time.
  • Going to Norebang


  • Although people think shes a tomboy shes not, shes actually very femenim.
  • Her favorite color is blue and all types of blue
  • When shes stressed she goes running at night
  • Shes a buhddist 
  • She gets along well with little kids from ages newborns-6. She doesnt know why but she says when she felt like talking to someone she would go to the daycare and lay with the little kids, they would run around her playing and she could talk about all her feelings. It was easier for her because she knew they wouldnt remember anything she said and she could at least get it out.
  • She was the Pitcher and Centerfield in softball
  • When she played softball she hurt her hip by sliding to third poorly and then getting stepped on with metal cleats by the 3rd basemen. 
  • Has a weak stomach and if she sees gorey/dead things she throws up.
  • Allergic to Cuccumbers
  • She loves spicy foods and always has hot sauce on anything mexican or spicy in general to make it hotter
  • Shes a daddy's girl, and since she cant see her dad often she gets really pissed when she sees people who disrespect their parents or elders
  • She starred in a lot of comercials for her dads company and became popular amongst ajjushi fans. thats why when she debuted  she was put up against bae suzy for the title of nations first love.
  • Always listening to Beast's When the door closes to calm herself down. She always has her earbuds in when their traveling or when theyre in the waiting room at performances, whenever she feels nervous. She doesnt have an ipod but the music is on her phone (Her phone)
  • She never lets anyone ever near her phone, she has it with her at all times. She doesnt let people go through it because she is often texting Sungjong, or Beast's Junhyung. 
  • She always says "Uh-oh" when someone makes a mistake or is about to get yelled at, shes also said it when she's upset about something shes screwed up or done to hurt others.


Ohana Means Family;  || That includes friends, because friends are like family ||


Yoo Taesun||46||CEO of sports equiptment company/store|| He feels guilty that he doesnt see his daughter often, the two are very close especially because theyve lived together as just two for so long.

Best Friend;

 Hyuna || 20|| Idol|| Hyuna is really close, and neither have their snarky or witty attitudes around each other, theyre actually calm and giggly like school girls


Yong Junhyung||23||Idol|| Hes always been like a big brother to her and hes the only one of her friends to have seen her cry. Hes actually very protective of her, like shes a younger sister.

Lee Sungjong||19||idol|| they went to school together while she was a trainee and he was in his last year of high school. Hes pretty close to her, and since they see each other at the company often they talk with one another a lot, even over text.


Love You Like A Love Song  ;

Love interest; Yoon Doojoon

How did you meet? Doojoon and Hyeji both noticed each other around the company but didnt know it. Doojoon always looked for her amongst the trainees and he didnt know why, he watched her struggle so he would always leave her encouraging notes in her cubby, which she still has. Hyeji always looked for him when she heard that the sunbaes were coming to asses them, she considered him her first love no one else knows it though. She hadnt seen him since she left the company for Woolim, and she was actually hoping that when she changed companies she wouldnt love him anymore, but she still does.

Current relationship; Acquaintances, they know little bits about one another, and both secretly love one another.

His love rival; Sungjong

Back up love interest; Dongwoon

How did you meet? Same as above

Current relationship; Same as above

Back up love rival; Woohyun


I Want To Be Famous;

How did you become a trainee?; When Hyeji was younger she really wanted to become a sports medic, to help people with recovery from sports injuries, but during her 1st year of high school that all changed when she was told by a friend at norebang that she sung really well and should audition. She did small school performances and got a lot of praise, and finally decided during the middle of her second year that she would audition for CubeEnt. with out telling her dad or teachers she traveled to Seoul and auditioned, she passed all 3 auditions before telling her dad.

Trainee life; While at Cube she went through everything she needed to learn to be an idol, solely focusing on singing, dancing, variety, and interview skills. She was never bullied because other trainees always trusted her to keep their secrets to which she did, they knew if they ever bullied her that their secrets would be spilled and most stayed as far away from her as possible, so it was very lonely.  a month and a half into her training she was told that a scout from Woolim had come to look at Cubes trainees and liked Hyeji, She was asked if she wanted to leave Cube to join Woolim. 

Trainee years; 2 years

Any company before Woollim? Cube

TheWorld Is My Stage;

Stage Name; Hyeji

Singing Twin; Sojung from Ladies Code one||two
Rapping Twin; {Write name and group and add a link~ *Only if applying for rapper position}
Dancing Twin; T-ara Hyomin one||two

Position in the group; {Put an X in your desired position and a # in your back up position}

[X] Main Vocal

[ # ] Jack of all Trades

[  ] Main Rapper/Sub Vocal

[  ] Face of the Group/Visual/Lead Dancer   

Lead Vocal/Lead Rapper   {taken by Rim (me ) }

Personal fan club name; Lovelies

Rival; {Optional. If you have one, write about her like: this Name || Age || Ocupation || Why did you become rivals? }


Tell Me, Tell Me; 

Comments; Good luck! im excited for your story!:) and i hope you like Hyeji

Scene request?; i have a lot because i love this part of apply fics:)

  • The first time they see each other since she left Cube was at a broadcasting, and Eternall's debut. Doojoon is shocked and even more shocked when she walks right past him with nothing but a curtious greeting she gave other sunbaes.
  • Doojoon gets her number through Junhyung and starts texting her, at first she doesnt reply but after a few times starts to reply
  • At an interview Doojoon says hes really looking foreward to Eternall and that hes Hyeji's fan, then later says shes a female idol he would wish to date when asked "a currently active idol you wish to date?"
  • The group to go on weekly idol. a question they ask Hyeji is how she feels towards Doojoons broadcasted confession. She says shes flattered but doesnt want to date at the moment.
  • For a charity event Hyeji and Doojoon are chosen amongst idols to take 3 orphaned children out to a baseball game. They all get to watch the Doosan bears warm up, and even get to go down to the field to warm up with the athletes. Hyeji takes the only boy amongst the three down at the start of the game and she sings the national anthom, as well as throws the first pitch.
  • After the charity event Doojoon and Hyeji eat a small dinner since its already 11pm.
  • A scandal starts about Doojoon and Hyeji dating. Hyeji denys it but Doojoon doesnt do anything to deny it.
  • a scandal about Sungjong and Hyeji dating starts after Sungjong walks her back to her dorm, and Hyeji was seen at an event wearing Sungjongs sweater that he let her borrow. Fans either think shes with Sungjong or Doojoon, but shes cheating with one of the boys.
  • Junhyung asked wether he likes hyeji or not. Doojoon says that he  does like her but by showing affection on screen and off screen, and not denying any rumors about them being together its like a game, sooner or later Hyeji is going to realise she likes him back, and thats when he'll formally ask her out.
  • Anti-fan's


Password; the picture you used on the "Small teaser" the girls dont look totally innocent, almost mystic with a bit of sass and seductiveness so these are the songs ill suggest if you dont mind:)

Miss A: Touch

Mystic white: Mermaid Princess

EXID: Every night

Girls Day: Expectation. so this song doesnt really fit my description of the small teaser, but for some reason the song just makes me think of a debut song:)

Ladies Code: Bad Girl. it definatly makes me think of a somewhat mystic, sass and seductiveness.

T-Ara: Day by Day

Rania: Just go


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