The Do's, Have's, What's, and Who's + About You


Do you believe there is life on other planets?  mmmhhmm
Do you believe in miracles? kind of..?
Do you believe in magic? erm, no, not really.
Do you believe in Satan? nahh
Do you like roller coasters? only if it doesn't have a lot of twists and turns i don't mind the height, though
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? omg, no way
Have you ever asked someone out? nah, not yet
Have you ever been asked out by someone? yep. happened just a few days ago, actually.
Have you ever been to the ocean? mmmhhhm. haven't been there in a while though
Have you ever painted your nails? totally. i'm planning to paint my nails after i'm done with this
What is the temperature outside? i dunno..around the 70s maybe?
What radio station do you listen? pandora? i dunno!
What was the last restaurant you ate at?  i dunno
What was the last thing you bought? arizona for my mini party with my friends
What was the last thing on TV you watched?  um...captain america? i dunno..
Who was the last person you IM'd?  my friend i think
Who was the last person you took a picture of? myself
Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?   i dunno...does my family dog count?
Ever really cried your heart out? only for a little while, then i got mad at myself for crying..
Ever cried yourself to sleep? yeah..a few times, actually
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? nope
Ever cried over the opposite ? i dunno..i've got too much going on in my life right now, i dunno what i was crying about..probably everything that's wrong..
Do you cry when you get an injury? when i was 5..
Do certain songs make you cry?  nahh..they just bring back some memories 
Are you a happy person? when i get a good night sleep
What is your current hair color? black
What shirt are you wearing? a blue and white shirt with a heart in the middle
Shoes?  i'm not wearing shoes right now
Necklaces? no necklaces on currently
Underwear? gahh..personal much? i dunno and i don't wanna check right now
Eye color: dark brown? i dunno
Short or long hair: medium? it's a couple inches past my shoulder
Height: i'm still growing..


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XD , this
Who was the last person you said "I love you too"? i family dog?
Lol..!! Imma try this