Elementa Concepts and Ideas

Elementa is the alternate name given to Earth by other worlds throughout the universe. It is said that this planet was the original creators of the elements present in all inhabited worlds, thus being the creators of life.

1) The six founders of Elementa united under one power to create a stable and peaceful world to live on. These six were also the leaders of each of the six major elements found in the world. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark. Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth rule on the four major continents while Light and Dark watch elsewhere. The basic layout goes as follows:

Fire: South America

Water: North America

Wind: Asia

Earth: Europe

2) There are also subclasses such as Ice, Lightning, and Wood. Each of these fall under one of the four classes. Here are a few (there maybe more) that would be recognized. (If you have any ideas for subclasses write a comment below)

Fire: Volcano, Sun,

Water: Ice, Snow, Rain, Life (to be explained)

Wind: Lightning (to be explained), Sky

Earth: Wood, Sand,

Light and Dark: working on concepts for them still. ideas welcome

3) Each class has certain types of weapons that benefit them, thus they use most often. Yeah sounds like an RPG but whatever. its not like they are limited to those weapons either. heres the basic idea:

Fire: swords, heavy two handed weapons

Water: bows, maybe staffs, whips (Nacho's idea)

Wind: Long spear like weapons, throwing projectiles, Naginata (see story)

Earth: fists, heavy two handed weapons, Tonfas

Light and Dark: still looking into ideas for them. main one is a type of wand but they could pretty much use anything.

4) Recently as I plan my next chapter, I had a friend give me the idea of things such as combination attributes. For example, Fire and Ice or Earth and Water. This gave me a better idea of the classes for characters as well as the forms they have. For example, Takashi (the protagonist) has two attributes. Wind as was told in the first two chapters, and Water, which will be introduced later in the story. For now I have Takashi in 4-5 different "modes" of transformation. They are Wind Form, Water Form, Wind-Water Bi-Elemental Combination, Wind-Water-Fire Tri-Elemental Fusion, and the Hexagonal Final Form.

In the case of Elemental Combination, a character has the ablity to combine the power of two attributes he possesses in his body to form a powerful form. The Tri-Elemental Fusion would combine the powers of the two powers one person possesses with another person. This would also result in the fusion of bodies though the appearance is unknown at this time. There is also Bi-Elemental Fusion if two have only one attribute each. The Hexagonal Final Form combines the power of all six major elements in the world of Elementa to create a powerful being. This being is thought to be the master of all of Elementa.

5) This next part I had come up in mind when I was still working on the first chapter. Attributes such as Steel does not fit in any of the 6 classes as a subclass, yet they can not be formed in a fusion either. For this idea I plan on calling "Lost Attributes" or something like that. These special classes formed long ago vanished as the world progressed. Only a few masters remain and stay hidden from all eyes. Here are a few that may be on the list:


That's about all for now. Probably character developments in the next one so look forward to it.

If you go comments, suggestions, questions, etc about anywhere in the note, write the number first so I know what and where you're talking about.  :)


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