Quiz to let you know a little bit about me


1. if you would want another name, what would it be? = Melody
2. what country do you want to be born in? = Korea
3. name three persons who make you laugh  = Cerys,natalie and dylan 
4. how many siblings do you have? = Three
5. what's your favorite sport to do and watch? = Judo and wrestling 
6. what was your first kpop song? = Mona lisa(Mblaq)
7. what's your favorite color? = Pink and blue
8. what are you in your group of friends? = The flexible freak 
9. if you had the chance to change your fate, would ya? = No let the cards fall where the may
10. who's your favorite disney princess? = Mulan because she is badass and fought for family and love not glory . 
11. if you had one message to your teachers and classmates, what would it be? = Who gives a rat arse what you think im me and if you don't like it well then you .. 
12. name three talents you have =Being flexible, speed reading and gymnastics
13. if you were to join a girl group, which would it be? = It used to be the spice girls not sure anymore
14. if you were to join a boy group which would it be? = SHINee
15. are you a potterhead, demigod, narnian and a tribute? = I'm a potterhead but i can also be a demigod
16. who's your favorite english singer? = n/a
17. who's your role model in life? = My mother she gave up so much to look after me and my sisters and brother 
18. who would you consider your online best friend? = Anybody who can deal with my freakiness
19. are you a female seagull who does your own makeup? = What the actual  
20. what's your favorite quote? = "Hell is empty and all the devils are here"William shakespeare the tempest
21.whats your favorite disney film? Peter pan and mulan.
22.Favorite disney paring .Shang and mulan
23.What is your view on tattoos? Love them have two want more.


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