` ♡ ⋮ maid latté café. ⋮ hanazawa ayane

〈 hi, i am the average wallflower  . 
⋮ ominous ⋮   ⋮ rach ⋮   ⋮ 4 ⋮


( character's name ) : Hanazawa Ayane. [花澤彩音]
( nicknames ) :
Yuuchi — It's a calling she is familiar with among her close ones.
Hana-chan — It's a wonder why her beloved crush doesn't call her 'Hanazawa-san' or 'Ayane-chan'. It's isn't like her name is that difficult to pronounce, isn't it?
Sadako — Because of her playful classmates and her near personality of being too quiet and casading black hair, she became Sadako.

( ethnicity ) : Full Japanese.
( birthday ) : May 5, 1994.
( age ) : Eighteen already turned nineteen.

( birthplace ) : Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
( hometown ) : Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

( languages ) :
Japanese — Her upmost fluent language.
Korean — Almost fluent. For the sake of Chanyeol, she has secretly started learning it but tends to have a few mispronounciations here and there.



( first choice ) : Minami Minegashi of AKB48.
( visuals ) : gallery.
( second choice ) : Mayu Watanabe of AKB48.
( visuals ) : gallery.

( appearance ) : Casading black hair covering her face, big doe like eyes, slightly pale lips shining under the sun (lip balm, well, yeah) with a fair complexion, that's Sadako aka Hanazawa Ayane for you. Nothing about her shines that well, except for how pale she looks like when she is under the sun and how her straight black hair makes people scared of her. A height of one-sixty and fifty kilos, Ayane doesn't know if she is underweight or just there hanging around. Ayane is insecure about her face and often wear hats to cover her face no matter where she goes to shield herself. 

( fashion choices ) : Ayane has a liking towards casual girly clothes, in warm, pastel colors. She doesn't particularly like the loud colors all of those girls wear in the streets. An eyesore, she says. Annoying even. Her love for extremely casual girly clothes within the range of loose, oversized t-shirts, short pants, knitted sweaters, leggings and cardigans with the color of found in the pastel colors category. Ayane owns half of the large shoe rack she and Akiko shares and all of them are only flats, converse, high-heeled ankle boots and sandals. Her wardrobe is full with dresses and skirts of all sorts also shirts and pants. She dresses according to her mood and doesn't give a damn if people don't like what she wears. Clothes are clothes. Why do you care?

one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight



( character traits ) : Introvert . Optimistic . Naive . Indesicive . Incompetent

( personality ) :

`( i'm sorry if i'm not perfect — Hanazawa Ayane wasn't born the brightest bulb among the others in the world, but she wasn't the dimmiest one either. She just didn't have any specific talent in any field; she was just plain jane. An average looking girl with average skills and grades, not going to nor going down, they stay in place firmly. She was always placed last among a whole group of people and the one who is forgotten always, again and again and again that sometimes, she doesn't even bother to remind her classmates, teacher or parents that they forgotten about her. Clumsy, accident-prone, forgetful and shy, the image she holds is just disappearing into nothing day by day. Her peers don't exactly dislike her, but thanks to her clumsiness and accident-prone self, their patience is running out quickly and they don't really bother themselves with her anymore.   

`( even if it hurts, smile to show them you aren't crumbling Smile, that's the best medicine in life, Chanyeol had told her in one of his letters. Of all things didn't she threw away, one of them was the optimistic part of her, the personality that resembled Chanyeol's so much. The small insults of being incompetent, having butter-fingers, an empty head, she promptly ignores them, all the while thinking about what would Chanyeol do if it was him being insulted. She smiles through the insults with a head up, believing that right now isn't the time for her to shine brightly. In near future that she will. For now, she will just patiently await whatever inner talent she has to surface.

`( the age of innocence — It's hard to believe that Ayane is quite an naive person. She likes children a lot. Mainly because of the mindset they own, thinking of the world is nothing but a lovely place with with adventures and mysteries. They don't give a care to the world; they don't need to care about the financial problems; they don't need to care about the public's view towards everything you do; they don't need to care about anything at all. One thing that Ayane will always do is to visit the orphanages or playgrounds nearby, visiting the children there with Kanata. Throughout the whole neighbourhood, she is known as the gentle and beautiful onee-chan that always treats and plays with the children there; Ayane is well loved by the children in the neighbourhood. And sometimes, it was as if Ayane is a child herself. She gets way too dense to notice things around her, with the biggest example; love. Even after being betrayed by countless people, innocence was what she was made of, she forgives too quickly and soon, she finds herself helping those who have hurt her before. Sometimes, it's a wishful thinking of hers, 'Can I go back to be a child again?'

`( this or that? which one? Ayane is quite an indesicive individual. Most of the things she owns are either picked out by Kanata or Akiko when they go shopping with her. She can spend minutes or even hours long staring at two things, never able to decide either to buy this one or that one. It was always Kanata or Akiko helping her to choose because once she gets to choose, she could spent god-knows-how-long just to buy one simple thing. For an example when it was her aunt and uncle's 15th wedding anniversary, she and Kanata were the planners for everything but it took Ayane hours long to choose which flower they could put on the reception desk and which color her dress should be in order to look pretty, in the end, Kanata was forced to do the choosing for her with took only 10 mintues. Back when she small, nobody listened to the decisions she made and often dismissed it as 'not nice', 'not good enough' or 'I don't like this', causing her to think that her decisions are never good and that she should never make desicions for people.

( background ) :

Hanazawa Ayane was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, a place she learnt to love and cherish ever since she learned how to crawl, in May 5th, 1994. In her family of four, consisting her sister who was born two years after her, they lived in a loving environment and nothing could go wrong at all. She was your common girl-next-door and was naturally sweet and endearing. But her sister was more than her; perfect, even at young age. But Ayane loved her sister very much, and she didn't mind the obvious doting on her sister. Ayane had thought her sister deserved the doting, she was, after all, talented and amazing. And Ayane was nothing like her. She had a good friend that she can play with all of the time when she is lonely and although he came from Korea, they could play well with each other, discarding the language barrier between them. When their parents had decided to bring them for a trip to the beach, Chanyeol, Ayane and her seven-year-old sister, Mai, were very near shore, started to build sandcastles when their parents went to the car to fetch the things for their picnic. Telling Mai to stay put or follow her as she and Chanyeol looked around for seashells as decorations, Ayane turned back just in time and paled immensely when she realized that Mai was in the sea, struggling. In a few seconds, she found herself swimming towards Mai to save her from drowning and she did but Mai didn't survive. Back at the shore, when their parents came back, they were horror-stricken when they realized Mai drowned and laid motionless in Ayane's embrace. The blame for not caring for her sister and causing her to drown was constantly placed on Ayane everyday. Chanyeol tried to help her with her family's relationship, but of course, it didn't help and it wasn't long before his father had a job promotion at Saitama. In an blink of an eye, Chanyeol left her and she was all alone again.

Everyone - the whole Hanazawa family - knew it wasn't Ayane's fault when it came to her sister's death, but none of them wanted to stand up for the young girl and allowed their children to shun her for the matter. Ayane, the nine year old, couldn't do anything but to believe that she was a murderer, the cause of her beloved sister's death and that she doesn't deserve to live, forcing her self-esteem to drop lower and lower until it was basically non-existent. It took her two years to finally regain her bearings, clutching those letters she received from Chanyeol without any returning address, consisting those words of encouragement for her to stay strong and not crumble. Kanata, her only cousin who didn't shun her unlike the others and protected her even, asked his parents to let Ayane live with them in Tokyo, not liking the sight of his wonderful cousin getting all the blame of something she didn't even do. Ever since that year, nothing changed except she packed her bags and lived in Tokyo with Kanata and her communication with Chanyeol got cut off just like that.  

( lifestyle ) : Living in Asakasa with Kanata's family since eleven, Ayane learned that her relatives were in a position that was a little higher than middle class, having money that was a little more than enough for the three of them to use. Having Ayane wasn't difficult at all, she didn't need much since she had her own clothes but Akiko was more than delighted to have a girl at home so that she could dress her up and treat her like a daugther she never got. Her everyday life isn't that interesting other than her face constantly hidden under a hat and the job she was required to go so boost her self esteem.

0630 — Groggily wakes up, spends five minutes mumbling to herself before getting ready for a morning jog.
— Kanata comes into her room to pull her out of her bed because falling asleep again after getting ready is very normal.
— Headed out towards the park with Hyde, jogs for a tiring half an hour before going back home.
— Bath, dressed, ate breakfast, reaches to school just in time before the bell rings after fetching a cup of hot chocolate from a kind old man.

1655 — Walking calmly towards the cafe, fidgeting a little because I cannot with socializing.
— Finishes shift successfully, though broken a few plates here and there and stumbled over air and forgetting orders.
— Arrives home, bath, watches tv, ignores homework, eats dinner.
— Tries to do homework, fails and procrasinates. Goes out to her 'secret hideout'.
— Arrives home. Eats cereal for supper but I am not fat okay.
2300 — Finally does homework. Flips everything because homework is stupid.
— Mumbles for five minutes and dozing off into a dreamless sleep.

( trivia ) :

( likes )
sakura trees
pastel colours
classical music
nightsky and nightview of tokyo
romance and mystery novels

( dislikes )
rude people
plastic girls
her family
(i promise i'll edit this part. i am in a hurry to finish it up.)

( trivia )
→ Talks to herself about totally irrelevent things before going to bed and waking up.
→ Goes for a morning walk with Kanata and his dog, Hyde.
→ Got accustomed to be pampared by Yuko and Atsuko at times.
→ She is scared of crawling things, namely spiders and roaches.
→ Akiko's hand sewn teddy bear named 'Channie' for her to cuddle in bed.
→ Influenced by Chanyeol to buy Canon camera she had to painstakingly save money plus a huge album book.
→ 'Oh, I'm so sorry.' is her favorite word of all times accompanied with a ninety degrees bow.
→ Goes out approximately at nine pm to a hill to look at Tokyo's nightview until eleven pm. It's her secret haven.
→ Only thing that she became a little good at without destroying anything is cooking and photography.

( family members ) :

Hisashi Hongo [
寿史奏多] ⋮ 50 ⋮ Uncle ⋮ Four
     → Rational . Intelligient . Witty . Selfless 

Akiko Hongo/Hanazawa [
アキコ奏多] ⋮ 48 ⋮ Aunt ⋮ Five
     → Humble .  Open-minded . Kind . Idealistic

Kanata Hongo [本郷奏多] ⋮ 20 ⋮ Cousin ⋮ Four point five
     → Suave . Gentle . Mature . Dependable



( friends ) :

Oshima Yuko [
大島優子] ⋮ 19 ⋮ Classmate turned best friend ⋮ Five
     → Extrovert . Carefree . Socialite . Sardonic

Maeda Atsuko [
前田敦子] ⋮ 19 ⋮ Cousin of said best friend ⋮ Four
     → Know-it-all . Versatile . Compelling . Realistic 

Kim Joonmyun [김준면] ⋮ 19 [depending on whoever has him as a love interest] ⋮ Close friend (aka her diary) ⋮ Four point seven five
     → Aspiring . Thoughtful . Keen . Affable  




( love interest ) : Park Chanyeol ; Eighteen
( back up ) : Kim Minseok ; Nineteen


( persona ) : The Childhood Best Friend.
( occupation ) : Childhood friends in Hokkaido before he moved to Saitama and she went to Tokyo a year after. Classmates for Senior Year in Class 3-C.

( personality ) :

`( park chanyeol is too perfect, sometimes, i cry when i see him — Everyone knows Park Chanyeol. They know about his billion watt smile; they know about his cheerful and outgoing personality; they know about his intelligience; they know about his cute pranks. They know it all and loves him for it. He is like Kazehaya Shota, the Korean version of him and a little bit more handsome and popular. He is a thrill-seeker, always up for fun and the feeling of adrenaline pulsing in his veins when he does something he really enjoys. If someone wants to explain who is Park Chanyeol, they can only say that he is like Marty Stu, too perfect that he seems abnormal. He enjoys crowds, laughter, and excitement. He is an extrovert, socialite, a social butterfly. With a beam and a cheeky hello, people already find him nice to be with and he is friends with them just like that. They find it weird that how can Chanyeol be such a selfless person, always putting others as first priority then him as the last. Even if he was the one getting hurt in the end, he is fine as long as others are safe and sound.

`( even if the world is crumbling, he smiles like nothing is happening — Chanyeol is often described as cheerfulness and happiness itself, never once anybody had seen him frowning or sad. But as funny as it sounds, Chanyeol doesn't quite like having new friends, he just likes mixing within the crowd. As long as he has his family and friends, the rest can be discarded away from him. He holds a strong sense of responsibility and moralty, he never stops to do what is good everyday. He is unexceptionally naive at times and there are a few incidents where Atsuko and Yuko have to save him from the crowd because he might ended up giving people his house even.

( how did you two meet? ) :

During her first year in elementry, Ayane still remembers that day where her family were having a lazy Sunday evening, channel-surfing and almost going to doze off into a state of dream filled with lavender-scented oxygen and salty smell of the sea, they heard a knock on the door along with a meek 'hello?' in heavily-accented Japanese. Blinking ridiculously at the door, Ayane went to open it at her parents' request, mouth gaping at the family of three at the doorstep. She realized they were the new family that moved in the house next to hers, and her mother had mentioned about them being Koreans. Saying her greetings, she called her parents, just to see a curious head peeking out behind the mother's leg, eyeing her curiously. "Hello," she smiled at him and introduced herself in the most cheekiest way. He had done the same, Chanyeol was his name and she liked it, just like how she liked the lively twinkle in his eyes and pearly white smile. With cheeky grins and silly hand-gestures, they became inseparable best friends who knew each other like an open book.

( relationship ) :

He was the first ever and only male friend she had and the only one who understands her a lot and cherishes her like a gem. Always felt ashamed to talk to him again even if they had promised to find one another before separating and avoided crossing paths for two years until Senior Year came by. She wants to wish for more, she wants to let him know how she feels, so does he, but they don't know how to reach out to each other.

( how they act ) :

Ayane saw Chanyeol at the entrance ceremony during freshman year, and all she knew was to avoid him of all costs. She wasn't ready to restart her friendship with him. After all, they haven't communicated for years and they both changed. She became hermit of the school and he became the socialite of the school. It's obvious that they weren't fit for each other in terms of friendship and romance. Senior year came, and Ayane hadn't realized that she endured such painful two years without Chanyeol, although he was so close to her. All she wished is to not let Chanyeol recognize her and but hey, there is no such thing as dreams come true in Ayane's life. Their reunion had been one of the most hottest gossips in the school. It was bad, for Ayane, at least, but not for Chanyeol. He had continously pestered her to open up, start to muster courage to look at people in the eye while she talked to them, and to take off the hat she wears.

Hiding herself behind the walls she built for emergency uses, she could only watch helplessly as they crumble down one by one, leaving her completely bare and exposed to the outer world. With his warm smiles and reassuring voice, she opens up slowly, getting to know the two popular girls in her class and school and Joonmyun who soon became her counselor for everything. Ayane by then realized how much she needs Chanyeol in her life and how Chanyeol became so deeply involved in her life that she can't bare to lose him again. Chanyeol had thought her a way that she could used to conserve memories using a camera and film. Then she realized, how much she could love photography because, he too, loved it. 

It wasn't long until she felt greedy. Ayane didn't like the girls who went closer to Chanyeol. She started to be a little possessive but not too over obvious, but enough for Joonmyun and Atsuko to realize. Upon the realization made clear by Atsuko and Joonmyun, Ayane felt disappointed in herself and started to distance herself away from Chanyeol again, extremely afraid that her feelings will cause their friendship to break. It needed Atsuko, Kanata, Akiko, Joonmyun and Yuko to knock some sense into her but the final step has to be made be Chanyeol himself.  




( how did you find out about this job? ) : [/chuckles shyly] Chanyeol, Yuko and Atsuko – my friends - brought me here, actually. They said I needed to work in order to boost more confidence in myself and throw away my accident-prone illness away. And, the best place for them, just has you be your cute maid cafe. [/smiles slightly then sighs] At first, I wasn't that keen and all to go for work where I should improve on my socializing skills but you can say that I was very attracted by your cafe and all of its decoration. It is cute, but not too cute until people would cringe and not too uncute until people wonder why this is called a maid cafe. I have a soft spot for cute things - I mean, who doesn't? I got the urge to start working here, although I know that I might be clumsy and all but I came and applied for the job. [/nods]

( why do you need this job? ) : [/pursues lips a little] The main idea of me working here is to boost my confidence and kick my accident-prone illnesss away, but then I realized, I also needed to be independent and start earning my own money. These years of living with my relatives, I have been using up quite an amount of their money for raising me up. You know, I felt bad because I wasn't even their child and they are so keen on raising me despite what happened to me and was willing to accept me when my family didn't. [/smiles sadly] So I can say is that, I'm working so that I could save some more money to buy my uncle and aunt something very nice and my cousin a new laptop he wants.

( how do you feel about dressing up in costumes and themed events? ) : [/blinkes a few times] Ehh? Dressing up? Well... I don't really mind but I might need time to actually like the feel of dressing up because I've never done it before and people seem to like it. I adapt pretty well so in no time, I might be already liking to so this a lot. [/smiles brightly] And events seem very, very exciting and fun. So...why not? Count me in please!

( how would you deal with a customer who was trying to harass you? ) : [/makes a small face] Well, I'm soft-spoken since forever and obviously, I won't stand up for myself that well, unless I could count on the older senpai or the graceful nadeshiko to save me. And maybe, as an act of revenge - and a trick Yuuchin told me - I'll charge him a little [/puts her thumb and middle finger very closely to show how little it is] more and tada or just gather all of my courage and reprimand him on spot. [/heaves a huge sigh] Well, it could happen - I hope - and it's not everyday that customers harass us right? So yeah, I'm cool. [/puts on a calm face and nods]

( of all the other workers, who do you get along best with? ) : [/taps chin slowly and thoughtfully] I am neutral for all of them but if I needed to pick one... I'll pick the older senpai. [/chuckles] She is a generally fun person and knows exactly how to brighten a mood, which is one of the traits I like about her. She is irresponsible and albeit nonchalant towards her surroundings and people, we all know, but deep down, she cares for all of us like how the ice-princess does to us [/clears throat uncomfortably] although it seems a little weird in her ways. She sometimes comes over to me  and will check on me, seeing if I'll trip over the air and kiss the ground and covers for me if I made a mistake. She feels like a sister I've never had. [/smiles a little]

( and who do you not get along with? ) : Ahh. Shh, [/puts her second finger in front of and talks softer than before] don't tell anyone okay? Especially the graceful nadeshiko, because she will skin me alive! I don't know why, or maybe it's because of my sister, when I see the moe blob, I get irritated because she is all so cute and all so innocent and everyone fawns over her like some sort of idol. [/sighs] She is too over cheerful and it creeps me out a lot. [/grimaces] I dare say that I'm not jealous nor hate her, you have my word for it. It's just I can't stand her voice with the '-tan', '-chin', and '-chi'. NO ONE OTHER THAN MY RELATIVES CALL ME 'YUUCHI'. [/huffs and frowns as she realizes she screamed loudly] Sorry, I'm pet peeved when it comes to my nicknames. So that's all. No more, no less.

( what is your favourite manga and why? ) : KIMI NI TODOKE! [/beams bashfully] I find the love between Sawako and Shota nice, although the plotline is common with your typical shy female protagonist and cheerful male lead. I personally think that the love shown is so pure and innocent that it draws me to read it since the first time it was published. Sometimes, I find myself comparing myself to Sawako and can't help but to giggle at how similar we are in terms of personality. [/plays with her fingers and smiles wistfully] Reading Kimi Ni Todoke actually is to pump up my hope that if Sawako can meet up with such changes, I can too. It's just...I wonder when is it going to come to me for real.




( scene suggestions ) :

o n e — Chanyeol appearing at the cafe to check (read: spy) on Ayane's behaviour during her shift but instead gets busted because his outfit is too obvious.
t w o — Ayane getting woken up by Chanyeol to go around the city to take pictures and practice on her skills.
t h r e e — Ayane packing food for Chanyeol. But it resulted with a small accident, causing Chanyeol's lunch to be destroyed and she was forced to share hers with him with only one pair of chopsticks. So pretty much they shared a few indirect kisses and Ayane swooning in happiness after she got back to home with Kanata looking weirdly at her.

( themed event day suggestions ) :

Animal day — Cosplaying as your favourite animal is nice. /just having cat ears seems a little boring.
Disney themed Dibs on aurora cause her job is to sleep all day long. And princes are needed. Grab everyone's love interest for help and swap princes cause it's fun and main thing is to make the girls jealous.
Anime day — Cosplaying as most favorite anime character.
Vocaloid themed — Dibs on Megurine Luka. And singing on stages okay.


( password ) : `( you erted outer space alien! )





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