fan group vs fan group

I hate when fandoms turn on other fandoms. Im apart of multiple fan groups so when they're arguing I feel ... awkward. Im not sure which group to back up and at the same time I don't want to feel guilty for betraying that other group you know what mean? Its just .. ugh like when BBC and vip's had a fight I felt weird because I love both groups. And don't get me wrong I love big bang gd is my number one .. but I couldn't back them up. Because a VIP said block b was jacking they're style. And I personally didn't see that at all. Like yes they have a deep voiced slow rapper and yes they had a light voiced rapper but I didn't see how they were copying. >„> so it was just like .. no shut up. And I get that VIP's jump to big bangs side because of all the the band goes through .. I just don't always agree with they're snapping reasons. 0.o -please don't kill me just my opinion-


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