Taggity Tag Thing.

1. What was the first Kpop song that you've heard?

Heartbreaker by GD

2. What was the first Kpop band you liked and still do?

Definitely SHINee<3 Lucifer was the second KPOP song I ever heard and I feel in love. Cheesy. YES. But I love those boys with all of my heart
TT_______________TT I am going to bawl my eyes out when I see them live in five days. Sweet shisus. Me and SHINee.... our relationship
is unhealthy xD

3. Who was your first bias ever in the Kpop industry?

MinhoMinhoMinhoMinhoMinhoMinhoChoiingMinho<33333333333 At first, I thought Jonghyun was like, the hottest man alive. For all of like two seconds.
Because then my friend was like "wahhhh I claimed him, go get your own asian DX" so.....I noticed this tall dark and handsome hyungwhore and I was like
oh O.o.......................................YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS<3 I regret nothing. I love my flaming charisma.

4. What is your current favorite Kpop boy band?

SHINee foreverandeverandeverandever<3

5. What is your current favorite Kpop girl band?

2NE1 representttt!!!! Any other blackjacks?!?! <3 I LOVE THEM; THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF BADASS.

6. 3 current favorite Kpop songs?

Sweet mother of shisus. Um. Right now (honestly, they change like, every day) I'd have to say this epic remix of Replay (by SHINee, just in case you are an ignorant didn't know), River Flows in You by Yiruma (hey, there's no words, but it STILL COUNTS), and....uh.....What Should I Do by Jisun.

7. All time Kpop song for you?

NUUUUUUUUUU please don't do this to me >< there are far too many.......and I ing hate life because DBSK did Love in the Ice for their Tohoshinki album
when they went to Japan so technically it's J-Pop OHHHHHHHHHH but Changmin wrote them a Korean version! YESSSSS. So. Let's just say that even though I always have and always will only listen to the Japanese version (which is prettier and more heartfelt, goddamnit), IT COUNTS AS KPOP.
And coming in at a veryveryveryveryVERYYYYY close second is A-yo by Shinee. I love that song with all of my heart. The lyrics are so meaningful
and always pick me up when I'm in a slump. Every. Single. Time. I hear the opening notes to that song, I just get this huge goofy grin. I love it so much. It means a lot to me. I can't even explain......<3 (plus Minho has a really beautiful line in it ^^)

8. 5 current bias (girl band or boy band)?

Minho<3 (ULTIMATE BIAS) (SHINee), Bom (2NE1), Jaejoong (DBSK, not JYJ. He will always be DBSK to me<3), Ryeowook (Wookie<3) (Super Junior), and Luna (f(x)).

9. Who would you like as a boyfriend/girlfriend in the kpop industry?

I'm so predictable. Of course, Minho. He's just....so perfect. I mean, no one's perfect. But. He's handsome and cute at the same time, smart, dedicated, compassionate.....and he's EXTREMELY competitive, just like me xD Plus, he makes a great appa. Hello Baby anyone?<3

10. What comes to mind when you hear the word "KPOP"?

So much <3
People think I'm ing weird, but I don't care.
KPOP....has changed my life....and I mean, it's just a music genre, right? But no, It's more than that. Um. I could go into a giant- rant right now but I'll spare you the pain.
I love KPOP. (I'm such a cheeseball)

I tag.......................ALL THE PEOPLE!

If anyone understands that picture......ME GUSTA<3 I LOVE YOU.



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You're so cute!!! BTW, Taemin is the best. And how the could you think the dino was hot? He's so ugly LOL
OMG!! I love Changmin and "Love in the Ice." You have such good taste ;~;