I'm mindf*cked... really.

 Okay, so now that there are official photos of EXO with their comeback concept "XOXO", there's just one thing I don't understand...


Is it really Kai's future dream to be the "WORLD'S GREATEST 'SINGER'"?



Ugh. I'm not trying to degrade Kai or whatsoever, but knowing that he's really, really good at dancing, why would he choose that dream?


Otherwise, there are only two reasons at the back of my head...


1) A typographical error.


2)He wants to dream the same future as Kyungsoo (refer to Kyungsoo's).



Honestly, I think it's more of the second one. I don't know, but I really think KaiSoo is real. And! I know that's what you're thinking too. ;]



And if that's so, then there will be a LOT more of KaiSoo piration--I mean, inspiration for my fics. ^--^






Bye guys! //le continues to watch my gorgeous wife Yul and her oh-so-ing-y-and-yurisistible-IGAB-dance... *O*


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