what?! My fault?!

Why is it like everything was my fault?

Why is it like all my deeds were just nothing but mistakes?

What should I do more to make everything perfect?

I'm not a perfect person. I never felt perfect!

Look, I'm trying all my best to be good, to do good...

Why can't see that?

Should I sacrifice evrything? My whole life?

If then, I should better die in happiness.

I should live not happy but satisfied. I sould live like everything was just a mere thing that doesn't have any significant things or special on it.

I better learn how to live like nothing. I mean, just remain with my cold poker face.

I should not smile ever again.

But thank you to my friends who alwyas makes me smile...

I love you!


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Why do you sound so depressed
No one is perfect and we should just love our imperfection :)