GAHH! TOMORROW EXAM!! Urghh FML ._. Why should I take the exam? Tomorrow is Mathematics. Yeah I freaking ing love Mathematics but this year.. I don't like it! Because this year it's so freaking hard and I can't understand it! Oh God. Why?! 

Today I also take the exam. Today is Science. Well last Saturday i'm not attend school so yeah I do it today. It's so freaking hard! How come some of my classmates get 90% above? Damn! they so clever! I'm so envy!


This year, I need to do school based assessment. Well in bahasa it's call Penilaian berasaskan sekolah (PBS). Damn you! We already take exam then you add another one?

Urghh!! This year is the stress year!! GAHHH!!


/flip kwangsoo/


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just be guys are better than all of us(form 2)...
last year we start PBS in May/ June like that...and it's freaking crazy ><...we need to done our PBS at least band 3 and it's super duper make us went crazy, stress in the same time...-,-