Really 'Fun' 5 hours spent outside

I always take a key from my house when I go to school, it's because my parents go to work...

But, something really stupid happened today, I DIDN'T took the key.


Actually, I forgot it home ...

And my parents thought that I must have taken it with me like always ...

So, they LOCKED the door ... (of course)

I realized that I didn't took my key with me in the beginning of the second class...

I slapped my forehead and my classmate asked:
"What is it?"

"I didn't took the key!" I said.

"What key?"

"Of the house!"


"I don't know what to do!" I said.

School for today was over and I called my parents and told them that I forgot the key.
They said:

"What? But we locked the door..."

I sighed. 

"Okay sweetie, go to your friends house.." They said.

"What? I can't do that!" I said...

And I really can't do that because I hate it when I go at other ppl's house...
And plus, they will laugh at me and tease me for my stupidness....

(And, I am a shy type so I don't go to ppl's house and be like: 'Ah, I'm locked out of my own house, can I stay here untill my parents are back?' )


I got back home...

And guess what?


I stayed 1 hour in front of my door, playing with my cute dog called 'Dara'.

Then, I went on my English Course.

And got back 1 hour later.

(Notice: All these hours I spent were 40% fun because of all the K-Pop on my phone)

And played with the dog again...

And it started getting cold, but I was wearing thin clothes.

And 2 hours passed...

Even colder.

(No, I'm not going at my friends' house!)

And I missed my computer...

And I roamed around my house, feeling like my own dog right now...
And it was soooooo boring!


And, it got even colder I started to shake like nuts. :(

I was hungry...

3 Hours have passed since I came.

I could sit in front of my door anymore. (cuz it was so cold!)

I played with my dog, hoping that I'll get warmed.

But it didn't work...

Curse you brain for forgeting that key!

I wanted to smash the door!! :@



4 hours and 30 minutes passed.


And I couldn't feel my body anymore.
Coldness took over me.


And now, as I counted... I was outside 5 hours.. :/

And, my parents finally came! ( YEAH! ) :P

Finally getting inside the warmth of my house... :)

And the love for my computer. <3

And enjoyed every moment from then till now... :D


Only the fact that I got a fever right now didn't suprise me...



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that also happened to me but I was ultimately bored..
but I only waited 3hrs & 46 mins ..( I bring a stopwatch at school)
Our house is just an apartment but it has many rooms
I was okay at first because I still have my dear phone ..
but then when 30mins passed my phone was already lowbat..
so yeah.. I waited there .. I tell u I became a lunatic
because of boredom. .. I was screaming while kicking
the door .. I even cried a bit...(L0L its bcuz o my wild imagination)
and also because my parents comes home late ..
like midnight .. but god is good he sent me my brother
lol .. he brought my key to me while he was on lunch break at school..
how sweet right he ran away from school just to give. me back
my key ...(=^_^=)
OMG -hugs you- Make sure to drink alot of fluids and I'm sort of the same as you with not wanting to go to anyone's house if I'm locked out. Hmm... maybe ask your parents to have a place where the spare key to the house is. There are times I forget my own key at home and I have to dig through a bunch of rocks on my porch (the rocks were there to begin with when we got the house) just to get the key.
Awwwh bless you! Get well soon!~ Try not to forget your keys again? :) Fighting! :)