The people I call my friends *sigh*

It's normal having weird yet awesome friends but for some odd reason, no matter how much I think about it, I still can't believe I call these people my friends! Well, best friends to be exact! Please, excuse and grammar mistakes...


17. Korean-Vietnamese. Female 
Okay, so one time after tutoring we decided to head to the mall cause we were hungry from all that studying. Lydia, who is incredibly beautiful spotted a group of hot guys, who I admit were mouth-watering handsome *drools*. After grabbing a table, I began munching on my Froyo cause I was as hungry as a cow, when suddenly Lydia began to giggle. I looked up, my mouth half full, when Lydia whispered to me saying how the group of hot guys were checking us out. Knowing me, I laughed it off and continued eating but suddenly, out of the blue Lydia half shouted; 
"I'M ALREADY TAKEN BUT SHE'S SINGLE!" while pointing to me *facepalm*. Though, it was embarrassing  I ended up getting the hot guys number and may I just add, he looks like a mix of Yunho and L (infinite) combined! 

18. Chinese-Korean. Male 
I've known David for roughly around 3 years and may I just add, that we used to be neighbors until I moved homes. Okay, I must admit that David has he's incredibly handsome, he kind of looks like a model/vampire..pratically a copy of model Lee Soo-Hyuk. My parents are also close with his parents, which makes it even better *haha*. Oh, and he's super tall (189cm)! So one time, I was walking home with him after school when I spotted my crush, let's just call him A,  from freshmen year *drools*. But, sadly there was a girl with him...a hot girl *crey*. We continued walking, until A spotted us and said hi along with the girl *shoots laser beams* that was with him. He introduced her as his girlfriend, and man it was hella awkward! David and A who don't know each other just stood there as A continued how much he missed me..weird right? David who was literally towering over A, just randomly scoffed like a diva attracting the eyes of A and his girlfriend and of course me. He suddenly put his arm my waist, MY FREKIN WAIST, and said "Babe, lets go now" and with that, he squeezed my waist and literally dragged me along with him. OHMYGAWDDD, It seriously felt like a scene from an anime/kdrama and ASDFGHJK and I still remember that day clearly. Oh, did I mention that he was a ? Yup, that explains why he squeezed my waist! 

After that, he casually let go of my waist saying that I should work out. Though, he said it as a joke, I remember hitting him with my bag. Yeah, cool story. 

18. Chinese. Male
Not sounding mean or anything, but Ryan was like the ugly duckling of our group- he also admits it. But, that was before he hit puberty. Once, he hit puberty we were all so shocked. Not only did he grow taller, he also had muscles and his facial details were more defined. Not only that, his eyes were less chinky (not racist) and somehow they turned out bigger- which me and the rest of group like to saying he got double eyelid surgery. Okay, during English class, Ryan was feeling hot and the AC wasn't working, his mind wasn't functioning right cause he just couldn't concentrate from the heat and you know what he did? He literally took of his shirt and threw it on the floor. We were all so shocked! Eventually, he got an after school detention cause of that HAHAHA

So yeah, that's my bestfriends for you!


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OH MY GOSH. I wish i had friends like these too. hahahahahahahaha. But the problem lies with me, I think I'm too arrogant in some ways, and I'm insensitive, and I don't care much about others...
Oh well. nice friends you have, makes me jelly~
Chelseaxxx #2
Wow u frends r really smtg!