Day 8: My Eden

Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to
My Eden


It's hard for me to memorize lyrics of a song whose lyrics are so hard for me to pronounce, lol.
So in the end, the first choice was the song My Eden by opera singer, Yisabel. It's partially because she sang this whole song in English.
She has an AMAZING vocal and pitches. I can't even explain how beautiful the song and her voice is. This is actually the first OST and a song dedicated to the drama, Gu Family Book by Yisabel. She wanted to celebrate the premiere of Gu Family Book so thus, this song was produced. *squeals*
Then again, GFB is an over the top awesome drama. If you aren't watching it, ahah! Boy! You're missing out a lot.
It's the currently the drama with the highest ratings and has held that place for almost a month with only
10 episodes, I believe.

Btw, another reason I love this song is because it has this magical or some sort of enchanting aura or
vibe to it that matches the drama well. It made me hooked onto the song in less than 10 seconds.



2nd Place: --
3rd Place: --

May 10, 2013



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