Omma's wierd comment

My omma made a wierd comment when I was watching ss4 dvd last night. She came to sit beside me and it's the part they were singing A-Cha.

Omma: I'm sure Little boy (ryeowook) is a . Look at his skin, still radiant and young. You know, people who had will look different. Somehow, they look  matured. You can tell straight away.

Me *blush blush*: He said he only had one girlfriend before, before he debuted.

Omma: Then Shindong must not be a . He look like an uncle.

Me: *laugh hard*

My Kyuwook mind: So Kyu did not touch Wookie yet? Haha....


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i love your mom already..hahahha..

so they are the traditional type?? hahahha
OMG cool mom!

My mom would be freaking out if i mention anything about ity on SJ >.<
Kyu is a gentleman..... <3
Hahahahaha XD
I soooo love you Omma! Ahaha. Kyu haven't touch Wookie yet? IMPOSSIBLE! he's so damn hot to ignoreeee~