Application ;






USERNAME — ( linked )
ACTIVITY — 10 being the highest )
NAME — how i can call you )


CHARACTER NAME — korean & chinese only )
NICKNAMES — include reason )
BIRTHDATE — DD/MM/YY; age international )
BIRTHPLACE — preferably korea or china )
HOMETOWN — same as above )





ULZZANGS — ( include galleries if possible )

· ( first choice )
· ( second choice )
· ( third choice )
· ( fourth choice )
· ( fifth choice )

PREDEBUT — ( general appearance as trainee; hair, etc. )
DEBUT — appearance as idol; same as above )

STYLE — ( dance practice, dorm, airport fashion )

HEIGHT — ( in cm )
WEIGHT — ( in kg )

















SUMMARY ( 3-5 sentences, bolding four character traits )
PERSONALITY — quality over quantity, 4 paragraphes minimum, consisting of at least 7 sentences )

BACKGROUND — no sob stories, general information )

LIKES — 7+ )
DISLIKES — ( 7+ )
HOBBIES — 2+ )
HABITS — 5+ )
TRIVIA — unlimited )




YEARS AS TRAINEE — ( 1-7 years )
INSTRUMENTS — you're not henry or yeol ok )

SINGING — description; links optional )
DANCING — same as above )
RAPPING — optional )

ACTING — same as above )
VARIETY — same as above )

SPECIAL SKILL — making fart sounds )


ONSTAGE PERSONA — be creative )

ONSTAGE PERSONALITY — entertainments often exaggerate or even completely change their artists' personalities )

TRAINEE LIFE — ( how you were discovered, hardships )







PERSONALITY — quality over quantity, 3 paragraphes minimum, consisting of at least 7 sentences )

HOW YOU TWO MET — be creative )
RELATIONSHIP ( how he acts in front of her and vice versa ) 



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