My 1st AP test of three is today OTL /cries



My first AP test is's my AP English Test and dear lord.......

I hope I do well /cries..

Wish me luck loves! I'm a step closer to updating xD



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Good Luck! I have my Art History FInal tomorrow and my Japanese written Final on Friday! I know how you feel, you'll do just fine! Especially since you are a good writer, English should a piece of cake for you!!
baoZicaekeu #2
What's AP?....
HWAITING! *pumps fist*
ugh I'm taking AP Bio, Chem and Physics next year >< how is it?
Meeky-Meek #4
No clue what an AP is, but good luuuuck!!
talislin #5
I totally feel you. I have a really bad cold and I had AP Lang/Comp and AP Stat back to back today for a whole 7 hours without eating lunch TT^TT School is too hard
imperfect_narcissist #6
Good luck! I have no idea what AP means but hwaiting! Jiayou for your exams! (Though you probably have no idea what the first word meant)
Good Luck!! (or "hope you did well" if you already did it xD) I had a hard Latin test today and I was freaking out xD
You're all in my prayers~
I've never had the chance to take AP classes in high school. But from what I gather it's tough!
good luck! I took mine yesterday:D
i finished my ap spanish exam on tues
you can do it!!
hwaiting!! ^^
Ah good luck! I just took my AP calculus test :D You can do it!!! I bet you'll get 5s on all of them!! XD Hwaiting!
good luck tina! you can get the best score! fighting~
TofuTickTacks #13
good luck dude, you'll do great!
I'm sure you will do/did great!
Good luck on the rest! =)