Should I Continue?

Not many perople have taken my poll to tell me if you want me to continue the story.

If you are a reader of my short story Cheaters, Heartbreak, and Best Friends, can you take the poll? (Sorry, I couldn't get the link to post here)


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I think you guys got he wrong idea^^ it's all right.
What I meant is that I wanted to ask the question through my blog because not many people took the poll. It was a popular one shot of mine and I wanted to know if my readers wanted me to continue the story of Lee Joon and Jihyo. I'm sorry for the confusion, forgive me!
2am-ramen #2
you shouldn't stop writing a story just cuz people didn't take the poll ^^
go ahead, write it.
people here discover stories slowly :D

i want you to continue!
Keep Writing!!!!!
KEEP WRITING IT!! Nothing can stop you from doing what you love!