Interesting few days


1. My dog was dying (or at least we thought) but now she's doing better. She's old though and you can tell that she has arthritis. I was crying last night because she wasn't in her usual spot by the door, but she was acting a lot better this afternoon.

2. My sort-of-ex-crush said in front of me that his girl was Anna, a girl who is not quite one of my friends but someone I talk to in French class. Not the best thing for him to say. just no. no. no. no. no. no. no... Grr...

3. There was a bomb threat at my school. Of course, there was nothing there. Bomb threats aren't exactly uncommon at my school. There was one year that there was one every week. They almost had to shut the school down for good. It was kind of expected since it's AP exam week. I felt so bad for the AP kids xD They had to restart the test. The annoying part was that I had to sit outside in the bleachers at the football field for around 4 hours. OK, fun fact: I'm so pale that I could pass for a vampire. I'm not kidding. There are only 2 kids paler than me. SO I FLIPPING BURNED IN THAT DIRECT SUNLIGHT. It's creeping me out. My arms not longer reflect more light than a white tee shirt. It's weird for me xD

On top of that, my friends and I had planned a dress up day, so I was wearing a nice dress and heels. Most of the kids left school, so I was one of three kids in my classes left. In history I played with bubbles and raided my teacher's office for things to do. I found paper lanterns, chopsticks to put in people's hair, crowns and princess tiaras, a golf club, and tennis balls. Then I went through the AP Psychology students' bay books. In Physical Science, I went to Geometry and talked with two of my teachers and a couple of friends. In French, I went to band (I'm not even in that class) and played piano for about an hour (Beethoven and Phantom of the Opera) while my friend practiced her violin (Arirang) and my other friend played flute (idk) and a kid played guitar on the other side of the room. It was a fun day.


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