Sad ;(

Just found out My 2 Bias's from N-Train are leaving -_- Soul J is Leaving for good and SeungHyun Inlisting in the army. Ugh....Why do this happen i mean i cant do this i just cant. Im going to miss them both so much. I loved them both. Guess that until SeungHyun comes back if he comes back YuJin will be my bias in his place and SungKyun will take Soul J's spot permanently
Soul J i hope you live a happy life if you dont continue on as a singer be happy. and SeungHyun stay safe we all care and love you so Come back to us please...


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nightlife6081 #1
I don't really know N-Train but it's sad that they're leaving. I hope you cheer up soon~
It's ok! Yesung is my ultimate bias and he just left ... we have to be strong for them and be loyal and wait for them! That's the only way we cn get through this, just believe that time will fly quick!