Kpop questions!! :D


1. Favorite Kpop group 

BIGBANG Ofc!! <3

2. Favorite entertainment company 

YG Entertainment~!

3. Kpop artist with best body (male and female) 

Hm....I think B Rain has a nice body! And Daesung ^^ as for female...I think YuRi has a nice body c: 

4. Cutest kpop artist (male and female) 

Tabi ofc!! QwQ <3 (ofc I think my official bias is cutest uvu) as for female I say Dara~ or Amber c:

5. Idols that you want to see on We got married

I don't watch that show, so I don't really know XD

6. Favorite kpop MV 

Aah! That was a hard one D: I think Koe wo kikasete c: and Fantastic baby~ and many many more XD

 7. Favorite kpop song

Stay - BIGBANG is one of my favorites. That song is really beautiful and sad, everyones voices is so beautiful in it <3
But the one I love the most is: Act like nothings wrong - T.O.P That song made me cry so much when I read what it was about ;__; and it was the first song I heard from a member of BIGBANG c: 

8. Which fan club is the scariest 

I don't really now. I haven't seen anyone that has scary fans o.o'' ofc there is some scary VIPs. And I hear alot that there is some scary Sones.

9. Which fan club is the nicest 

Ofc I will say VIP because I am one XD but I think all fan clubs are nice ^^

10. Which form of kpop get on your NERVES (Example: cutesy, hard, rock, dorky etc.)

well I don't know o.o'' I like dorky groups, but not TOO dorky so they are over reacting too much .__.

 11. Which group needs to make a come back 

BIGBANG. I miss them so much DD: I want them to be five again ;;A;; but I will continue to wait ;w;

12. Something you learned from kpop

That asians are awesome... XD lol I learn much from kpop, owo 

13. Kpop MV that never made any sense

Afrodino - chameleon....I didn't understand anything of that MV XD 

 14. Which kpop fan club are you in and what other group would you be willing to support

I'm a VIP~!! <3 
I'm willing to support: EXO, SUJU, Wonder girls and the new group LC9 :3

15. Kpop song that made you cry

Act like nothings wrong - T.O.P
'Nuff said.

 16. Kpop MV that made you laugh

MichiGO - GD. I had no Idea what was going on in the music video and I just laughed XD

 17. Kpop MV that made you go WTF o.O?? 

MichiGO XD

18. Which new group are you in to 

no one at the moment owo but I'm waiting for LC9 debut ! ^^ 
19. Most addictive kpop song

And many more XD


I will woon update REMEMBER! 
Just a little more time, I'm having a writerblock ;__;


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