

I hate having crushes.
But I'm pretty sure I like this one. A one year long crush?
Yeah, definitely!
Then I found out who he likes... er, or at least who he has a thing for....

The funny thing is,
I have a crush on this guy.. who sadly is 6 years apart from me:(
My friend has a crush on this guy... who sadly, is also 6 years apart from her lol ;)
Also, my friend is younger then me, plus the guys she likes is younger then the guy I like, so it's like
older+older & younger+younger

Then there's Mr. Lonely who no one likes lol - forever alone Mr. Unicorn.
Lollipop and Rainbow have someone, lol,
I'm actually very surprised to hear that Lollipop haas a thing for me.. excuse my spazzing here.

~ G
et to see him Friday.. It's like I see him every Friday or Saturday:))))
I don't mind though.
My mom approved without realizing it.

My dad doesn't know.. .
He can find out later. kekekekekeke.

Plus, Lollipop is like my ideal type::
Taller than me
That voice though~
Makes me laugh
... makes me blush ... (Seriously!)
Ayeee~~~ Dhoee;)

Yes, I know the nicknames are cheesy.
But it's Lollipop and Unicorn, like, come on now.
I like Lollipop though.





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