Is this true?

Today,at 7.00 pm.I logged in to my Facebook account and went to the wall.A Kim Myung Soo's fan page shared some news about:

This person's news:

The woolim's official channel uploaded a video of an Infinite member kissing a girl.But that video was deleted in a few  minutes later.The girl was on his lap.(I don't really remember what he wrote)

And the shocking thing is........THAT GUY WAS MYUNGSOO!

They(L and that stupid girl were drunk and ended up kissing.


But after seconds.....the news was deleted.

The person said it was confirmed news,but I hope it isn't but I'm lucky because my bias is Hoya!

Hope this news isn't true!If its true,I'll kill that girl!


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i don't think woolim would upload such things on their official YouTube channel.
it would came up on my subscription feed...

but anyway, it was probably some really stupid joke.
a fan trying to get attention,
or a hater trying to spread bad rumors about him.

^ that was purely my opinion. i could be wrong, but that's just what i think.