What we have learned in the last few days

I was asked to delete my ious post, now I guess I should because this certain friend asked. I don't regret posting it and once something is on the Internet it stays on the Internet. Meh, especially after so many people read it its like what's the point in deleting it. Easy I no longer have to look at a reminder of what I once thought I had.

anyway my intent was never to turn anyone against anyone else. Just to call people out on their bull because no one else would. Because I've done so I've been called a harasser, a dissapointment and cursed at. Oh and let's not forget still talked about. Anyway like I said I'm not trying to turn anyone against anyone else. You make your own opinion on people after getting to know them, not by what other people say. So just cause I've had a bed experience with people doesn't mean you will too. But yea I'm done with this I'm letting it go because I've lost things I thought I had and people think its ok to treat other people this way. I'm not looking for sympathy. All I ever wanted was for people to hear me out and not judge me based off the word of others. 

As for deactivating this account I might have too because even though I do love my readers dearly its a reminder of what has happened. But I'll make my choice about it over the next few days. I don't regret what I've done. You should never regret being honest and sticking up for yourself when no one else will. 


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