new fanfic~` i give up..

hi!! for a long time im not update my AFF...i make one long fanfic but i think i wanna give up because lot of writers more great than me...hmmm... so i just write simple and short fanfic as always...BAP fanfic..again .. i hope my subscriber and who read my fanfic not bored because all my fanfic only about BAP... but i love i support them with my writing...i mean bad writing..hmm


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Uniekorn89 #1
hey, no need to give up..:)
you can always practice and practice especially if you wanna make good fic. ^_^ i know coz when I start writing ,it stressed me coz i read lots of good fic and it somehow make me feel down. but then i started to practice n read lots of good ff so that I can produce good stories too..dont give up!
and B.A.P fanfic? LOVE IT~ ^^