Baaaaaaad boys: Zelo and Ricky scolded at school... xD

So apparently Zelo and Ricky went to a market during break to eat together.... I didn't even know they were in the same school. o_O


...but they forgot about the time and came back too late and so they were scolded for not being there in time... xD


It's good to see that they don't have a "special" status just because they're popular.

And it's also good that I'm not their teacher cause I wouldn't be able to scold anyone. o.o xDD As soon as someone would pout and say "sorry" my poor heart would just melt and I would hug them and allow them to come to school at which time they want... °xD



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13elievein154ever #1
Ohhh dear. Poor Zelo and Ricky...
Awww~ Jello baby and Ricky baby look cute in uniform! >////< /spazz/
Ah ! It's a school with a specific music learning n.n !
Jesus! I would do the same! So cuuuute~!

And are they in some kind of special school for stars or something? They can't be in a normal high school- they'd get mobbed every day!