ideal type || stolen from trishapolo


1. Does he need to be good-looking? :
I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't care about looks, so yes.
But he can't be girlier looking/prettier than me...that's too weird lol
2. Smart? : 
That'd be nice ^_^ that way if I need help...he'd be a resource
3. Preferred Age? : 
If younger, just one year, maybe same age, but preferably older (: 
4. Preferred height? : 
5'10 and up (: even though I'm tiny
Because tall people give the bestest hugs~
5. How about sense of humor? : 
someone who can put a smile on my face easily
6. How about piercings? : 
As long it's not anywhere besides the ears >_<
7. Accepts you for who you are? : 
Isn't this a given O_o
8. Pink hair? : 
No me gusta xD
9. Mushy or no? :
 Mushy gushy to the point I wanna just curl up and die, no.
A little cheesy, teasing and cute? Sure, why not ^^
10. Thin or fat? : 
Slim? lolol
11. Asian, black or caucasian? : 
 asian preferably but if he's white and I like him...then he's white and I like him lol
12. Long hair or short hair? :
Do what you want, as long as you look good ^^
13. Plastic or metal? : 
What the heck? O//o
14. Smells good? : 
YES. It's like one of the most attractive things ever <3
15. Smoker? :
Oh please no ><
16. Drinker? : 
17. Boy-next-door type? : 
Yeah sure ^^ that's cute :3
18. Musically inclined? :
But of course c;
19. Plays piano? : 
 that'd be amazing
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar? :
 omg yes. My life will be made~
21. Plays violin? :
 Preferably no. Because he'd have a more feminine instrument than mine xD
22. Sings very good? : 
First off, it's "very well"
And yeah that'd be lovely ^_^
23. Vain? :
no. Cocky guys are butts.
24. With glasses? :
 Sure, why not ^^
25. With braces? : 
 it's fine, since they'll eventually come off anyways~
26. Shy type? : 
 D'aww they're the cutest <3
But not to the extent where it's awkward~
27. Rebel or good boy? : 
 Good boy usually but has a rebellious streak, like myself >:D bam bam~
28. Active or passive? : 
 Active...? I guess O_o
29. tight or bomb? : 
30. Singer or dancer? : 
 Either or, I don't mind~^^
31. Snob? : 
  If he's a snob I wouldn't fall in the first place.
32. Hiphop? : 
 sure, why not~?
33. Earrings? :
 Yeah I guess~
35. Torpe? : 
36. Mr. Count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop? : 
 no. that's just muy stupido.
37. Dimples? :
 Doesn't matter ^^ just a nice smile overall
38. Bookworm? : 
 yesss, but not so much that he reads more than talking to me O//O
39. Mr. Love letter? :
 YES~<3 I would write back all. the. time.
40. Childish? : 
To the extent where it's not immaturity~^^
41. Flirt? : Just to me lol
42. Poem writer? : 
Sure? ><
43. Serious? : 
No~I need someone fun owo
44. Campus crush? : 
 I guess? 
45. Painter? : 
sure, why not?
46. Religious? : 
 it's really important to me, so yes.
47. Aggressive? : 
 Can we change this word to "assertive"? Lol (:
48. Computer games geek? Or internet freak? : 
Again, as long as he doesn't care about it more than me xD
49. Speaks 20 languages? : LOL kinda unnecessary but trilingual is pretty cool (:
50. Loyal or faithful? : That's the base of a relationship so yes, of course <3
Stolen from trishapolo, and this is just an ideal type
Because in the end, it really doesn't matter, as long as the guy loves me and I love him~^^
I'm curious to see other ideal types
Copy paste baby~<3


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